Division of an Elven House Tradition / Ritual in The Shattered Reach | World Anvil
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Division of an Elven House

When a High Elven House gains power beyond a certain point, determined by the heads of the house, it may choose to split, undergoing a complex process in which a single house becomes two. This is risky, as a single house's power is effectively split across two until each builds enough power and resources to become self-sufficient. However, a house that believes it is ready will be eager to undergo this transformation, as it is a mark of true power and status within an Elven family. Additionally, in the long run, it provides greater security for the family, as both houses are likely to remain loyal to it. There have been very few cases of a house Dividing, only to have the new house turn on the old.


This was performed by the High Elves of the World Before, and is of interest only to scholars of history now.


A long, complicated process of internal negotiations takes place in the House, ensuring they are ready and there is a general agreement that they should Divide. They will then try and secure as many allies outside the house as possible to boost their chances of survival while in their weakened state.

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