The Lesser Aspects Myth in The Shattered Isles | World Anvil
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The Lesser Aspects

The Lesser Aspects are most commonly known as Fragments, and for the most part are far less regulated than the Higher Aspects. The best comparison to be made in understanding these beings is to compare the divine energy which created them as a large crystal. During the Great Shatter, this crystal was broken and spread around into pieces. The largest pieces became Higher Aspects, while the many smaller pieces became Lesser Aspects: Fragments. Fragments represent minor divine powers and are mostly reminiscent of Otherworldly Patrons in terms of their power and reach. These beings also lack the ability to create vessels out of mortals, but they can still make pacts and deals to further their own goals and the goals of mortals as they wish.   In addition to serving as Warlock patrons, many Fragments also serve as regional powers, local deities, progenitor monsters, and sealed powers. While the Higher Aspects are generally worshipped across the Isles, Fragments, when they are worshipped, tend to be the local deities for smaller or more isolated groups who are not connected to the wider world. Many of the tribes and nations in southern Esteri worship Fragments, as well as many of the city states in Drayden who have been largely separated from the rest of the Isles until the Dawn Age.   One of the main differences between Lesser and Higher Aspects is that Higher Aspects have a greater understanding of the sentient races of the world and tend to co-exist relatively peaceful. Lesser Aspects tend to lack this understanding of sentient races, and have a tendency to have "less-humane" thought processes that can be difficult for mortals to understand or predict. There are exceptions to this rule, especially in some of the Fragments that are allied with an Aspect in some way, but the general rule is that Fragments are less forward in showing their presence and less capable of understanding mortal outlooks and values.  

Known Fragments:

This section of this article is meant to list the known Fragments and is not at all meant to be comprehensive. The minor power of the Fragments, the nature of their ability to fade and return in cycles, and their secretive natures means it is common for fragments to be suspected dead only to return a few decades later. This list will be updated over time as more Fragments are discovered.  

The Sacred Beasts:

Patron Type: Archfey   The Sacred Beasts are a group of Fragments who are the animal guardians of the Isles. Each island has a Sacred Beast which serves as the representation of its environment and wildlife. The Sacred Beasts are one of the rare group of Fragments that are allied with a group of Higher Aspects. They serve the Wild Three by governing the islands and serving as sentinels for when the balance of nature shifts. Because of this connection, some consider them minor gods of nature, particularly druids who tend to pay homage to the Sacred Beast of their Island through rituals and prayers.   Damh-Mór, The Crowned Stag (LN): Damh-Mór is the Sacred Beast of Centurna, and is known as the Lord of Herds. He is often called Nature's Herald, as he tends to be sent ahead as a messenger from the Wild Three when things need to be addressed by mortals. He is a creature of order and stability, making him extra sensitive to the environment he is tasked with protecting. Damh-Mór himself is a very peaceful being, who does not seek combat, but when needed can summon his herd to aid in defense.   Tron-Oso, The Thundering Bear (N): Tron-Oso is the Sacred Beast of Regalia, and is known as the Mountain Mother. She is called Nature's Guardian, as her immense strength and size make her a powerful defender of her territory, but her solitary nature means she rarely seeks out combat. In Regalia she is worshipped as an icon of endurance and perseverance in the many mountains, peaks, and valleys of her home.   Cú Láidir, The Frozen Wolf (CN): Cú Láidir is the Sacred Beast of Ishiri, and is know as the Blizzard's Bite. He is called Nature's Claws and Fangs, as his strength and speed make him a deadly tracker and hunter in the harshest of terrains. Tasked with managing Ishiri is no easy feat, and the great winter wolf is rarely seen as he prowls through snow drifts and blizzards. His presence is a strong reminder to any crystal miners that they cannot be too greedy or claim too much of the lands' resources at a time, as this gluttonous wolf sees all of the island as his territory.   Natha-Marú, The Sun-Touched Serpent (NE): Natha-Marú is the Sacred Beast of Drayden, and is called the Shifting Dune. She is known as Nature's Spite, as her poison and her ability to spit elemental breath weapons make her very good at killing and driving away those who wander into her nests. She is a malevolent being because she needs to be to keep her island domain in balance between the natural elements of it and the elementals who call it home. City states tend to leave large offering of siege beetles, sky beast kills, and sometimes even an elephant as offerings to her to keep her appeased.   Cialle-Affe, The Tree-Top Teacher (LG): Cialle-Affe is the Sacred Beast of Esteri, and is called the Merciful Teacher. He is known as Nature's Wisdom, as from his great tree this enormous orangutan educates both beasts and humanoid in all manner of subjects. He is the only Sacred Beast who regularly talks to humans, and as such has built a community around his tree of those who wish to learn alongside nature.   Cat-Sciat, The Winged Cat (CG): Cat-Sciat is the youngest of the Sacred Beasts, serving on Floatilla, and is known as the Ship's Cat. She is called Nature's Eyes and Ears, as her small stature and playful nature make her very good at watching and listening to those around her. Cat-Sciat is a tresym, the largest one ever seen at the size of a large dog. She is not worshipped as a divine being, but some people leave out food and treats for her and the rest of the Tresym flock that makes it home on Floatilla, believing it to give good luck.   The Beast of Creyla (???): While it has never been catalogued by settlers on the island, it is strongly believed that an undiscovered Sacred Beast prowls the interior of the Island. What it is, what purpose it serves, and what its abilities may be are unknown as nobody who has gone that far into the Island have ever returned to make an account of it, and the varied monstrous population of the island means any hand drawn image could depict any number of un-discovered creatures.  

The Four Lords of the Elements:

While the Elemental Five represent elements that interact with humanity, the Lords of the Elements represent the raw, unchained and primal forces of their respective elements. While not really a united group, they are categorized alongside each other here because of the similar nature of their powers and abilities. Unlike the Sacred Beasts who are allied with a group of Higher Aspects, the Lords of the Elements are usually hunted by the Elemental Five, who see them as heretical beings that they should not need to share power over the elements with.   Sonavis, the Rainbow Bird (NG): Possibly the most well-known of the Lords because of its great size and protective nature, Sonavis is a titanic bird larger than any Roc. They are the Lord of Air, coasting through the sky on its giants wings, as a single beat can create a storm in their wake. They have been known to rescue sailors and sometimes entire ships when they begin spiraling out of the sky, using their power over wind to keep ships afloat. Sonavis is targeted by Hussar, who is jealous that another creature would fill his role as patron of sailors. Those who follow Sonavis tend to be migratory groups of bird-like humanoids, ranging from aracokra, owlin, avilus, and harpies.   Patron Types: Genie (Djinn), Archfey   Matahari, The Radiant Flame (CN): The Great Phoenix of Drayden, the first and destined to be last of its kind. They are the Lord of Fire, which makes them a target for Pallus who sees the presence of another fire deity, even if they are a minor power, an insult to them. Matahari is seen as a beacon of change, constantly burning bright, fading into ashes, and returning again in a burst of light. Many of the Tabaxi clans who inhabit the Western, untamed half of Drayden tend to worship them, with some becoming flame dancer and Phoenix sorcerers through exposure to the power of Matahari.   Patron Type: Genie (Efreeti), Celestial   Avus Terr, The Living Mountain (NE): Sometimes known as Grandfather Mountain, the Lord of Earth is a gargantuan creature shaped like a sandstone turtle with a mountain of iron for a shell. This Lord cares little for this in its wake, crushing settlements and driving off pilgrims as it travels along the desert. It is said those crushed by Avus Terr are doomed to mine its shell eternally for minerals and gems, as the Lords' shell is constantly shedding old, hollow layers and growing new ones. Pieces of its shell have been used as weapon and armor material by those lucky enough to find it. Strangely, Boran has little interest in defeating this Lord, and seems content to leave it alone while it stays in Drayden.   Patron Type: Genie (Dao), Hexblade.   Lorelei, The Last Maelstrom (LN): The most rarely seen of the Lords, they are believed to live somewhere in Southern Esteri, but their powers, abilities, and goals are unknown. The Lord of Water's warlocks have been seen in Esteri, and seem to mostly serve as agents of change and liberation, causing many of them to side with the rebellion in Esteri's civil war. Ranhine has taken an interest in them, not liking that such a powerful creature of water is not under her thumb.   Patron Type: Genie (Marid), Fathomless  


Progenitor are Fragments believed to be the first of their kind within the Isles. For some this means entities strong enough to consume divine energy that have become fragments, while for others it means beings who spawned a race, species, or lineage from their creation. These should not be thought of as a united group, as the only thing they share is an experience rather than ideals, values, or histories.   Esurian, The White Death (CE): Esurian is this Fragment's official name, but most people of Ishiri would know it as the White Death. He is the progenitor of the wendigo, a monster of hunger, desperation, and greed. Esurian himself is an undead manifestation of hunger, frost, need, and survival at any cost: Cannibalism. Sightings of the White Death say that they have a antlered skull for a face, with a body formed of taught, emaciated muscles over a towering frame, with claws bigger than swords. While his hunting ground has always been Ishiri, his lesser kin have been spotted on Creyla and Drayden as well.   Patron Type: Undead, Undying   Meret, the Volcanic Viper (NE): Meret is the Fragment responsible for the creation of Elemental Salamanders and is worshipped by the Azer for his ability to turn rock into magma. There are stories of them awakening the now dormant volcanos of Regalia, to much mixed opinions. These eruptions spew ash that is good for the soil, as well as release precious resources in the lava flows. However, these can also cause havoc when communities are built along or within said volcanos, and often cause a new generation of fire snakes to be born. Meret's main temple is within the Brass Bellows, an eternally active volcano where they are tended by a community of Azer and his own salamanders.   Patron Type: Fiend, Hexblade   Mastara, the Golden Elephant (LG): While elephants existed before the Great Shatter, the race of beings called loxodon are of the New World. Mastara is believed to be an old elephant matriarch that gained divine power and used it to ensure the rest of her kind could survive. She created the Loxodon from her own children, who have since proliferated and become caretakers of elephants and the land in Drayden. She has the power to switch between her large elephantine form, a smaller form akin to a young calf, and a humanoid form as a loxodon.   Patron Type: Celestial  

The Madness Sealed Away:

Patron Type: Great Old One   The nature of these Fragments is relatively unknown. It is believed that the mere presence of these beings was so corruptive, so overwhelming, and so wrong, that the Higher Aspects had to band together to seal them in prisons before they infested the newly formed world. Their existence is forgotten by all but the most astute of scholars, who are often the ones who find the means to contact these beings once again. Whatever their original goals may have been, their main goals now are to escape their prison and enact revenge on those who imprisoned them and all that follow them. Which unfortunately for the entire world, that means everybody.   Tristeza, The Weeping Mad: Tristeza is the only commonly known Sealed Madness. Some call her the Goddess of Sorrow and Mourning. The only reason she is well known is because she aided the Higher Aspects in sealing the other three Madness': the Wrathful, the Laughing, and the Apathetic. Why she did this is unknown, but inevitably she too was sealed away once the task was done. Tristeza amplifies even the most minor feeling of grief, regret, loss, or sorrow to unbearable levels, making all those around her collapse as they are overwhelmed with negative emotion. The location and nature of her prison is unknown.
Fading Fragments   For reasons unknown, there are far fewer Fragments today than there were at the birth of the Shattered Isles. There are many theories as to where these Lesser Aspects have gone. Some say that they could not sustain themselves with their limited spark of divinity and have faded from the realm completely. Variants of this theory believe that many Fragments used their power for some feat and are now in a hibernation state waiting for the return of their powers. Some theories say that they have been caniballised for their divine essence and subsumed by other entities, or their essence was diseminatied into objects or locations to empower them. Other theories believe that similar Fragments have joined together into one entity in order to create more powerful and lasting entities that we know today.

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