The Higher Aspects Myth in The Shattered Isles | World Anvil
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The Higher Aspects

When the Great Shatter sundered the world, it also sundered those entities who had part of their power in the world, namely the deities of old. Rather than creating weaker versions of the root deities, the residual divine energy was combined and scattered to create the new divine beings, derivatives of what once was. These new beings became known as Aspects, as many of them represented smaller portfolios and domains of their "parent" god. The greatest of these beings, the ones known as gods in the Shattered Isles, are called the Greater Aspects, or more commonly just the Aspects by those aware of how weak these beings are in comparison to what they once were a part of.   These beings developed and expanded on the power they were incarnated with and have since become beings distinct from their original whole. They have developed new personalities, beliefs, and identities, with some of them banding around other Aspects with similar interests. The groupings of these Aspects is decided by themselves, and are for the most part distinct from churches and faiths that have grown to worship some Aspects more than others. While the gods are young creatures only as old as the world at 334 years old, they have a unique power that separates them from their parents'. Aspects have the power to use a willing creature as a vessel to store a sizable amount of their power. These vessels are known as demigods, and receive a powerful boon while they are the vessel for a Higher Aspect. When a mortal first becomes a vessel for a Higher Aspect, they make a pact for the duration and duties of this relationship, and in doing so they become a champion of their chosen deity. The following are the groupings of Higher Aspects and what they represent.

The Radiance:

Domains: Knowledge, Life, Light, War.   This group of Higher Aspects values preserving and guarding life. These are the aspects which put others before themselves, and instruct their followers to do the same. These Higher Aspects are aligned in protecting lives, nurturing personal and communal growth, and dedicated to trying to change those who are against such goals. They are also tasked with guarding those who can’t protect themselves. They tend to ally themselves with other good-aligned aspects when needed.   Members:   Abel (LN): The Goddess of Medicine, Abel is depicted a robed woman with a silver blindfold. Her domains are Knowledge and Life, and her symbol is that of a snake wrapped around a staff. She is a pacifistic goddess who values the preservation of life, medicinal improvements, and the car of the sick, elderly, infirm, and injured. Her followers mostly consist of doctors, healers, herbalists, and those praying for better health. She believes in giving aid to all who require it, even enemies and criminals.   Civille (LG): The Goddess of Valour, Civille is depicted as an armored woman bearing a shield and spear. she is sometime seen with a set of glowing wings. Her domain is War, and her symbol is a spear crossed over a shield. She is a warrior goddess, and values strength of will and the power to protect others. Many see her as the ideal paladin, and as such many of them follow her and make oaths to her. Apart from this, her followers mostly consist of men-at-arms, knights and squires.   Dinne (NG): The Goddess of Hearth and Family, Dinne is depicted as a halfling woman with flowers in her hair. Her domains are Life and Light, and her symbol is a burning fire. She is a harvest goddess who values the family, the rearing and educating of children, and hard work done for others. Her following is large, encompassing peasants, children, caretakers, cooks, and young families.   Lionel (LG): The God of Strength and Honour, Lionel is depicted as a robed monk with a ringed staff. His domain is War and his symbol is a sword through a burning sun. He is a warrior god who values physical strength, facing challenges head on, and the pursuit of self-improvement. One of the largest Isles spanning institutions, the Fists of Lionel, were created and commanded by Lionel. The leader of this order is always the vessel for this god. His followers include adventurers, gladiators, soldiers, and monks.

The Makers:

Domains: Arcana, Forge, Knowledge These Higher Aspects are bastions of knowledge and craftsmanship, focusing on accumulating and disseminating knowledge. Thus, they tend to be aligned with and aid people who strive to make things, expand knowledge, and recover lost items like archives, relics, artifacts and more. Many members of this group are particularly skilled in magic and artifice, and so they have fewer worshippers than a lot of other groups. Abel and Boran are often associated with this group, as they are both associated with different crafts, as well as tune for her patronage of archives, but they are not members of the core group.   Members:   Atlan (N): The God of Smiting and Metalwork, Atlan is depicted as a stocky dwarven man wearing a smith's apron. His domains are Forge and Knowledge, and his symbol is a hammer on an anvil. He is a smithing god, who values the ability to create and make use of what is created. Many Dwarves see Atlan as their chief god in Shattered, as an Aspect of Moradin has not manifested. His followers include blacksmiths, gilders, ferriers, and all those who work with metal.   Mheric (LN): The God of Wizards and Sorcerers, Mheric is depicted as a young, white-robed man with a staff. His domain is Arcana, and his symbol is an eye over a book with seven stars around it. He is a magic god, who values arcane potential and mental achievements. His worshippers mainly include arcane practitioners such as wizards, sorcerers and some scholars.   Octis (LG): The God of Study, Octis is depicted as an old man with white hair tied back in a ponytail. His domain is knowledge and his symbol is an open book. He is a knowledge god, who values the accumulation of knowledge and objects, and is a patron for adventurers who seek out lost knowledge. His worshippers include historians, archeologists, professors, researchers, and explorers.   Silvarius (LN): The God of Apprenticeship is depicted as a ragged, sly gnome, often flipping a coin. His domain is Forge and Knowledge, and his symbol is a coin in front of a fire. He is a knowledge god, who values learning, education, and the betterment of oneself by the means available to oneself. His worshippers include children, apprentices, students, and thieves.

The Revelry:

Domains: Knowledge, Life, Light, Trickery   These Higher Aspects are gathered around the ideas of living life for the sake of enjoyment and fun. They are chaos-bent and live for entertainment, showmanship, and spectacle. Their chaotic nature makes them prone to wandering and travelling the world more so than the other Aspects, and there are many stories of them winding up in mortal festivals. It also ties them more to the Fey, making all of these Aspects favorites of Fey visitors in the Shattered Isles. Many other Chaotic Aspects such as Rhile, Pallus, Barb and Hussar tend to join them for mortal festivals as well as throwing celebrations of their own.   Members:   Bella (CN): The Goddess of Youth and Beauty, whose form is always changing to depict differences in beauty standards throughout the Isles. Their domains are Life and Trickery, and their symbol is a silver mirror. She is a love goddess, who values self-care, the passion and fire of youth, and the creation of beautiful things (art, fashion, music, etc.). Her worshippers include stylists, tailors, artists, and lovers.   Flis (CG): The God of Song and Dance, is usually depicted as an elven travelling minstrel but has been known to take many forms. His domain is Light, and his symbol is a treble clef and bass clef put together. He is a music god, who values performers of all kinds, the ability to inspire others, and those who pioneer new musical styles. His worshippers include dancers, minstrels, actors, singers, and bards.   Janus (CG): The Goddess of Feast and Plenty, she is depicted as a halfling woman carrying a basket of freshly grown grains. Her domains are Life and Nature. and her symbol is water flowing out of cupped hands. She is a harvest goddess closely related to Silen and Dinne, who values the fruits of the harvest, the ability to grow and care for the land, and the sharing of food in community. Her worshippers include farmers, vintners, botanists, and florists.   Tune (CG): The Goddess of Stories, Tales, and Archives, Tune is depicted as a well-dressed woman surrounded by papers and books. Her domains are Trickery and Knowledge, and her symbol is a five-stringed Harp. She is a music god who values the preservation of stories, record-keeping, and the acquiring of lost or hidden knowledge. Her worshippers include archivists, anthropologists, storytellers, and bards.

The Star Kin:

Domains: Arcana, Grave, Knowledge, Trickery The Star Kin hold sway over the chaotic constants, the soul (and where it goes), fate (and all the ups and downs it holds), and the night (which holds the shifting constellations). While these three are not particularly powerful in their own right, they are respected for their positions. They hold no particular alignments, yet they help others as fate decrees. Unlike the other groups of Higher Aspects, these three have developed a family group of a sorts, and seem content to be left alone by the machinations and schemes of the others.   Members: Crenn (CN): The God of Night, Crenn is depicted as a pale, dark-haired, elven man dressed in a black suit. His domains are Knowledge and Trickery, and his symbol is an open palm surrounded by three stars. He is an umbral god, who values stoicism, the skill to travel in the shadows, and those who are not afraid to go where others would flee. The God of Night has few worshippers, but prayers are often said to him before deeds are committed in darkness.   Dayle (LN): The Goddess of Stars and Spirits, Dayle is depicted as a kor woman wearing a purple dress and carrying a lantern. She is the only Higher Aspect with domain over Grave, and her symbol is a three-pointed star. She is an umbral goddess who presides over the dead and is believed to ferry the souls of the dead out of the world to be released. She is also considered the patron goddess of the Kor. She values respect for the dead, aid to the grieving, and that the final wishes of the dead to be fulfilled. She has very few worshippers, but most burial rituals invoke her name. She abhors necromancy that would disturb the dead from their sleep.   Fable (TN): The Goddess of Destiny and Fate, Fable is depicted as a blue-skinned tiefling woman with golden eyes. Her domains are Arcana and Knowledge, and her symbol is three eyes radiating from a single point. She is an umbral goddess, and values foresight before decisions are made, the wisdom provided by good council, and those who search for knowledge. Her worshippers include fortune tellers, diviners, and astrologers, but many people make small prayers to her for good fortune and guidance.

The Elemental Five:

Domains: Forge, Life, Light, Nature, Tempest, Trickery   This group of Higher Aspects have a Primordial quality to them. Drawing on the elemental powers, Boran represents Earth, Pallus represents Fire, Ranhine represents Water, and Hussar represents Air. Avia is the only exception, drawing on the power of storms rather than an elemental plane. These five aspects are united by their Elemental nature, making them distinct amongst the other Higher Aspects. Regardless of their alignments, all of them are prone to heavily shifting emotions which can bring blessings and tragedy without warning. Even when they are worshipped, their worshippers tread lightly, and Aspects do their best to only contact them when they are needed, and as briefly as possible.   Members:   Avia (CE): The Goddess of Snow and Storms, Avia is depicted as woman pale as snow with silver hair and sharp blue eyes. Her domains are Nature and Tempest, and her symbol is three falling snowflakes. She is the most tempestuous of the group, and values power in all its forms as well as the drive to do whatever it takes to attain said power. Very few people regularly worship Avia, but sailors tend to say prayers to her hoping to stave off her anger, while cultures in snowy areas tend to offer tribute for mellower winters.   Boran (LN): The God of Wards and Barriers, Boran is depicted as a stone man with a broad chest and long dreadlocks. His domains are Forge and Life, and his symbol is a closed gate. He is one of the calmer members of the groups, and values those who give themselves for others, those who seek to make things that will last long after they're gone, and charity. He is commonly worshipped by guards, watchmen, masons, and carpenters.   Hussar (CG): The God of Wind and Travel, Hussar is depicted as a winged elf dressed like a sailor. His domains are Light and Nature, and his symbol is that of a horse head flanked by wings. He is a patron of sailors, and values exploration, freedom of expression, and ingenuity. In addition to sailors, he is also the patron of the Elves, as the Elven Emperor of Esteri has been the vessel for Hussar since the founding of the empire. Apart from elves, his worshippers include explorers, travelers, sailors, and mercenaries.   Pallus (NG): The Goddess of the Sun and Day, Pallus is depicted as a woman wearing a red hood with lots of glittering beads and jewels. Her domain is Light, and her symbol is a blazing sun. She is fickle like fire, and what can warm you at one moment can burn you the next. She values passion and the spark of creation, as well as those who are not afraid to take risks to achieve their goals. Her worshippers include flame dancers, wizards, glassblowers and jewelers.   Ranhine (CN): The Goddess of Rain and Trade, Ranhine is depicted as a woman with a watery complexion and hair, dressed in sailor's clothes. Her domain is Tempest and Trickery, and her symbol is four drops of falling rain. She is a patron merchants, and values wise investments, smart deals, and bartering skill. Her worshippers include merchants, porters, entrepreneurs, and smugglers.

The Wild Three:

Domains: Life, Nature, War   The Wild Three are the nature deities of the Shattered Isles. They represent the broad strokes of nature: plants, beasts, and the cultivated aspects of both. Together they form a triangle of wild elements. Their connection to nature also makes them the chosen gods for many fey creatures and many druid circles tend to pay homage to them if they do not directly worship them. The Dissident members Varic and Barb are sometimes included here. Varic being a god of pests and rot and Barb being a hunter like Maudrin give them similarities, but they are distinct enough that they are not officially part of this group.   Members:   Ermine (TN): The God of the Wilds, Ermine is depicted as a centaur wearing furs and carrying a staff. His domain is Nature, and his symbol is a large oak tree. He is a nature god that holds sway over the old growth forests and untouched regions of the world. He values stability and respect, only taking what is needed and not wasting anything. His followers are few, including druids, sentient plants, and those who live deep in the wilderness.   Silen (LN): The Goddess of New Growth and Rebirth, Silen is depicted as a halfling woman with a mantle of green leaves for a cape. Her domains are Life and Nature, and her symbol is a blooming flower. Once a nature goddess, she has since become a harvest goddess as her domains over new growth and rebirth have been extended to the growth of farm crops and animal husbandry. She values fresh soil and the potential of all things planted, hatched, or born. Her followers include farmers, vintners, ranchers, and those who live on the edge between the wilds and the cities.   Maudrin (CN): The Goddess of Beasts and the Hunt, Maudrin is depicted as a harpy woman with taloned hands and feet. Her domains are Nature and War, and her symbol is three claw marks within a circle. She is a nature goddess who holds sway over the beasts of the wilds and the natural cycle of the hunt. She values cunning, survival instincts, and the ability to kill for the sake of continuing to live. Her chaotic nature makes her very in tune with the scattered fey populations of the Shattered Isles. Her followers include rangers, hunters and trackers, awakened beasts, and some fey.

The Dissidents:

Domains: Death, Knowledge, Nature, Tempest, Trickery, War   These Higher Aspects only form a group because they have banded around their shared hatred of and from most other Aspects. The Dissidents are largely self-centered and most of them have destructive impulses they do little to control. Through the innate evil of some previous gods, these Aspects continue this legacy of violence, destruction, death, and misery. They have few followers, but have been known to have some of the most passionate of believers when they do have them.   Members:   Barb (CE): The God of Brutality, Barb is depicted as a large black world or hyena, often with fresh, bloody scars along his body. His domains are Death and Trickery, and his symbol is a broken skull. He values the cunning needed to stalk prey, the thrill of dragging out and playing with his victims, and feasting. Barb is commonly seen alongside Rhile when looking for fights, and Maudrin when out on the hunt. He has few worshippers, but is most often worshipped by hunters, some warriors, and revenge seekers.   Deshmer (LE): The God of Torture and Agony, Deshmer is depicted as a grey-skinned, gangly elf with dark hair. His domain is Death, and his symbol is a hooded executioner's mask. Deshmer is sometimes invoked as a punisher, but he is also seen as a torturer, which is why he is most often at odds with Abel. He values the strength to overpower the weak, the ability to punish those who deserve it, and the ability to inflict pain on others. His worshippers mostly include executioners, torturers, murderers, and some assassins.   Pvor (NE): The Goddess of Secrets, Pvor is depicted as a tattooed woman in a grey coat. Her domains are Trickery and Knowledge, and her symbol is a weeping eye within a black ring. She values double-speak, the ability to hide and discover secrets, and those who gain status from information. Her worshippers are msot often thieves, informants, info brokers, and some courtiers / politicians.   Rhile (CE): The God of Mayhem, Rhile is depicted as a strong man smoking a pipe and carrying a flaming hammer. His domains are Tempest and War, and his symbol is an upside down hammer in a fire. He values facing powerful opponents as well as rampant destruction. Whatever he does, he wants carnage left in his wake. His worshippers often include barbarians, demolitionists, raiders, firework makers, and bomb-makers.   Varic (LE): The God of Plague and Vermin, Varic is depicted as a man dressed in furs and ragged leathers, with beady yellow eyes. His domains are Death and Nature, and his symbol is a crowned rat. Varic values the ability to make poison, he values the ability to make do when you are given nothing, and he values the ability to usurp those who think them above you. Varic is one of the more commonly worshipped Dissidents, as he is patron of outcasts. Apart from this, his worshippers include some herbalists, pest catchers, and were-rats.
An Aspect's Power:   Aspect's gain power through a couple ways. Their power base comes from how much divine power they manifested with: those who started with more power likely still have more power, but this is not always the case. Aspects also gain power through the faith and number of people worshipping them, so aspects with larger followings such as Hussar, Atlan, and Dayle who are seen as the gods of Elves, Dwarves, and Kor, respectfully, are very strong just from that base. There are two other ways Aspects can gain power, the first is by bonding powerful magic items to their soul, linking their own essence to said item and making it a part of their very being. The final and most common way is by taking mortal champions in the form of vessels.

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