Bard Wrensong Character in The Seventh System | World Anvil
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Bard Wrensong

Bard Wrensong is a recurring character in The Prince Braveheart series first introduced in Prince Braveheart and the Marked Beauty, a volume which many fans have placed to take place very early in the timeline of the series. Bard Wrensong is, as their name tells, a weaver of songs and tales, an adventurer and a lover of a good romance, who has been cursed with a heart that falls in love with a different individual every day. 

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bard Wrensong is a beautiful elven individual with lustrous locks of red hair and lively eyes matching the hair's colour. They have a pale skin, with speckles of red scales scattered on their cheekbones, shoulders and back. They are associated with colours of red, gold and orange.

Special abilities

They weave magic through their music.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

If Bard Wrensong's own words can be trusted, they were born in the Ruby Town from the most passionate romance, the parties of which were sadly already promised to different people, as learned in Prince Braveheart and The Blade in the Wind. This left Bard Wrensong with a curse, one of which they are not too sad about themself. They had a happy childhood and learned their art of song from dryads living in the grove near their home. When they were old enough, they enrolled in the Bardic College and after earning their songbird name, started to travel the world to in a quest for inspiration - which they never lacked in a first place, but as that is what bards are meant to do, so did they.


Omnisexual and omniromantic.


A graduate from one of the most renown bardic colleges. Part-time matchmaker in their mother's matchmaking agency.


A bard and an adventurer.

Mental Trauma

Bard Wrensong had a curse cast on them, which means that their heart fells in love with a different individual every dawn. They don't mind it too much, as as they see it, falling in love is different from loving, which means they can still have very deep relationships with people once they get to know them. Also, their curse gives them good material for songs.
Circumstances of Birth
Red star shining on the sky
Long, scarlet red curls
175 cm


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