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The Seven Skies

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Welcome to the Seven Skies. As the world begins to progress in zest and technological advancements, humans look up at the sky above. An unexplored territory of mythical enchantment and societal benefit. However, as one may know, humans aren't content with simply staying out of unexplored territories. Up in the skies fly the beastly Thundering Eagles, large skyships powered by technology, engineering, and perhaps a little bit of magic. These crafts, and much more, are the marks of humanity as they venture into the uncharted...
  It has been seven generations since humans first lifted off in their hot air balloons up towards the great unknown. They have explored every nook and cranny the sky had to offer, discovering hidden worlds and troves of treasure and bounty. They've created incredible new methods of transport such as the Thundering Eagle and many other technological marvels. Unfortunately, this new territory led to a rise in human greed and an insatiable appetite for the reigns of this new land. Factions began to form as people began to realise taking control of the sky was not a feat accomplished alone. This led to the formation of the three major parties of the sky, each ruling the other and keeping order in the air:
  • The Militia, battalions armed with weaponised Thundering Eagles capable of shooting another skyship down from miles away.
  • The Merchants, the humble businessmen only concerned with selling their goods to fellow sky travellers and sustaining the economy of the air.
  • The Governance, the diplomats and government officials tasked with protecting the lives of the people in the regions of the Seven Skies. They reside in the largest sky island known as Haven's Wing.
  Scattered amongst these groups are citizens who roam the skies, going about their own business. However, some are not as innocent as they seem. These sly individuals are known as harpies, violent pirates who pillage both innocent people and each other, both with brutal force and lethality. There are several infamous names, but none that strike more fear into the hearts of flyers as Viktor Valiance, a deranged captain of the Dragon's Keep who flies around pillaging those he pleases. Best look out for him, or your head may end up on the wrong end of his very, very sharp greatsword...   Even more fearsome are the wyverns, cold and calculated bounty hunters enlisted by all and trusted by none. These killers are only doing business, it's nothing personal. They're just here to take out a few people and rake in some cash. If you have a job for them, you best believe they'll be up to the task. These wyverns have their factions, each vying for more status and recognition by taking out more dangerous targets than the last. But be warned, if you ever meet someone called Edward Rapture, you best be careful. If you're his target, that may be the last time you meet anyone...   Strap on your guns and start your Thundering Eagle. We're about to enter the wonderous and malicious world of The Seven Skies!

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