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The Sesworn Realms

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The Sesworn Realms lay far west from the Sword Coast, the largest on the continent there being Krez'Mika.   Krez'Mika is split into four (political) areas; the farthest north is the Kingdom of Corym. The kingdom is the largest, most developed place on the mainland. The Wood Isles off the east coast are where the majority of the Wood Elves live, while the island off the west coast, Endenoore, is uninhabited. Just south of the Kingdom, separated by a dense boreal forest, is the Vyish Expanse. These thriving grasslands make up the majority of the continent and are considered to be sacred lands of Chauntea, the Grain Goddess. The Vyish is protected by her followers, along with followers of other nature deities, and others whom live there and in the Vanyth Empire.This is where the largest freshwater lake on Krez'Mika sits, and where it pools to all the other bodies of water in the land. Off of the west coast of The Vyish sits the Draconic Isles. Occupies (obviously) by Dragonborns, they remain very reclusive. They've never had contact with the mainlands people and little is known about them. The Vanyth Empire occupies the southern most areas of Krez'Mika and consists of ten provinces, all very multicultural with very differing lands and places. The Empire is very accepting of all peoples, which is why they have a bad history with Corym. But despite they're differences in the past, and the Terrible War many many years ago, there's been peace on Krez'Mika for awhile now..

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