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The Secret World of Greenwold

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In the beginning...

there was only the Cube of Pertexo.   But it was not not the beginning, for time itself did not exist. You cannot begin, neither can you end, if time does not separate those concepts. Like the Cube itself, all things were but a single point that was all points, and no points, existing everywhere all at once and nowhere and no time in the same instance.   There was no land and there was no sea, nor heavens above.   There was no darkness and there was no light.   There was no time, and no potential to change.   There was no life, and there was no death.  

Then came the family.

  Guidon came first - touching the Cube of Pertexo. His gift to the Orb was to give it time - and allowing beginnings, endings and an order to the happening of things.   Mirrah came next - touching the Cube of Pertexo. Her gift was to give it possibility, and making change possible, indeed, making it inevitable.   After Time and Possibility, the next to touch the Cube of Pertexo was Beren. His dark hands lay upon the cool Orb, and he breathed warmth and life into it. Living things of all shapes and sizes, from fish to foul to fauna sprang to life and began to roam.   But as always, following Life, came Death. Graef laid her hands, her eyes unseeing, upon the Cube of Pertexo. Her face grave, she willed Death into existence, giving all living things a finite span of time in which to exist, but by doing so, gave meaning to that existence.   From Life and Death, from Time and Possibility, came the twins.   Baeldor pushed his brother aside, to place his hands on the Cube of Pertexo - and gave it light. The light was bright and strong and hot, and it illuminated everything, with nothing able to stop it. Many things died in that moment.   Stalain came next, pressing his forehead to the Cube of Pertexo. inside, he could hear the life crying out as the light blinded them, burned them, parched them. He pressed a kiss the Orb of Assemblage, and from that kiss, came darkness, and respite from the unmerciful light.   Next came Lunae, who took the darkness and light, and wove stars and moon by which to give life the ability to see in the darkness. Then came Torht, who rub the cube giving it the unrelenting heat but with the inspiration to use it.
 Scur, who caressed the Cube of Pertexo, and gave clouds, sea and rain, to cool and quench the heat.
Finally, came Dwrang the Strong, who struck the Cube of Pertexo with his blessed hammer. The seas of Scur parted, and land lifted upward.  

The Cube of Pertexo was complete.

  Time flowed, possibility was endless, life flourished and death made all equal. The light and dark divided the time, the moon and stars kept the peace between them. The land rose and the seas surged.   But the Cube was still a lonely place, for while life thrived, none of the Named existed yet. None of the Speaking People had come forth.   Beren charged his family to populate the land with their chosen people, to create stewards for the Cube of Pertexo, that would respect it, cherish it and do honor upon it.   Baeldor stepped forward again - and brought forth the Giants - tall and powerful warriors with dreams of empire and glory what would build great things.   Lunae stepped closer, and crafted the Elven Kind. Beautiful, magical and long lived, they had a memory that would ensure nothing was forgotten.   Scur stepped forward, and where her rain fell, the Merfolk swam, keepers of the seas. Aquatic and reclusive, their art and philosophy would have no rivals.   Dwrang stepped forward, and with another tap of his hammer, the Dwarven people came forth - the miners, the shapers of metal and the industry that would shape the Cube of Pertexo.   Finally, Stalain stepped forward. He had no pride, no hubris, and did not desire to lay claim to any great empire through his people. He crafted the humblest of creatures. A creature with a short life, without impressive size or inherent gift for magic, craft or talents therein. He crafted man, and bestowed upon it neither great duty nor requirement. Man would do what it wished, and was free to go where it pleased.   It was thus, that the Cube of Pertexo came to be home to the world we now know.

Brief History Of Greenwold

  The four great cities of the Greenwold work together to cling to success in the face of untold beasts and monsters, even as they work against each to their own advantage. Together, with the wizards of the Alabaster Academy, civilization maintains its toehold in this rough and wild land.   Modern history, as it is discussed by the sages of the Alabaster Academy, began over a thousand years ago with the end of the War of the Dragons. For centuries the dragons battled each other for dominance, locking the world in a long dark age as their violent struggles devastated the cities of the lesser mortal races.   The war finally came to an end when a party of heroes forged the legendary Orb of Dragon Souls, and forced the dragons to concede to a peace agreement. The dragons agreed to divide the world into 10 great domains one for each color of dragon. Henceforth, the dragons would limit themselves to their domain, and never impose on the domain of another. Some dragons ruled their realms like despots, some became shepherds of their people. Others simply retired to their hordes to slumber until disturbed.   When the Orb was rediscovered not long ago, a second dragon war threatened to engulf the Greenwold. However, a new band of heroes arose to master the power of the artifact and save the realm. Will the Save the world or watch as it all burns down around them.

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