Waukeen, Goddess of Trade Character in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Waukeen, Goddess of Trade (wa-keen)

Waukeen was an active and enthusiastic deity who enjoyed the ebb and flow of goods via commerce and the rapid pace of business in a thriving marketplace full of spirited bargaining[6]—so much so that rumors of her presence at particularly intense negotiations involving one of her worshipers became legendary.[3] Her side always got the best bargain, but the other party usually walked away also feeling satisfied about the terms of the deal.[3] Waukeen was driven to accomplish a goal and move on to the next one and, rather than being frustrated when the usual business practices failed to work out a solution, she was willing to try alternate methods.[3] This manifested itself in her church sometimes allowing the ends to justify the means. Her stubbornness and dogged persistence occasionally got her in predicaments and likely led to her imprisonment during the Time of Troubles.
True Neutral
Aligned Organization