Kelemvor Lyonsbane, God of the Dead Character in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Kelemvor Lyonsbane, God of the Dead

Kelemvor Lyonsbane - Lord of the Dead

  Being the new Lord Death, Kelemvor aimed to cleanse the corruption within the Realms of Death that previous Lords of Death had brought. The Bone Castle, once a twisted citadel ruled by Jergal, Myrkul, and Cyric, was reshaped into the transparent Crystal Spire, symbolizing the end of death as a terrifying mystery. While faithful souls went to their respective deities, faithless and falsely devoted souls faced judgment by Kelemvor. Former Gods of Death determined whether they were Faithless or False. These souls were then eternally tortured by Myrkul or Cyric.   Kelemvor, however, showed leniency to virtuous Faithless and False, while punishing the cowardly and capricious. Noble souls were sent to pleasant parts of the City of Death like the Singing City or Pax Cloister, while thieves and cowards faced hellish sections like the Acid Swamps.   This shift removed the fear of death for the honorable and brave, leading them to risk their lives, trusting Kelemvor's judgment over benevolent gods. The cowardly became too fearful to act, fearing judgment. Combined with Mystra's biased magic granting to the good, this imbalance caused strife and an accusation of "Incompetence by Humanity" from the Circle of Greater Gods.   Kelemvor realized he couldn't judge the damned while he himself failed his own judgment. He transformed his realm and his appearance to remove human traits. The City of the Dead became gray and indifferent, and the Crystal Spire changed to a smoky topaz hue. Kelemvor donned a dark robe, a silver death mask, and a new form, relinquishing his human qualities.   He conducted the Re-evaluation, judging souls based on new criteria and placing them in new City locations. Souls found neither torture nor joy, but lived ethically similar to their nature, shaping their lives as in the living world.   During this process, Cyric's trickery led to the madness and death of Adon, causing a rift between Kelemvor and Mystra. Adon's apparent faithlessness was later revealed as deception, allowing him to reunite with Mystra.
Lawful Neutral
Aligned Organization
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