Ilmater, God of Endurance Character in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Ilmater, God of Endurance

Ilmater, the Compassionate

  Ilmater, the embodiment of compassion and the eternal adversary of suffering, was a deity of unparalleled benevolence and even temperament. His kind and gentle nature shone through, as he tirelessly offered aid, relief, and words of comfort to those burdened by pain, oppression, or dire need. Encouraging endurance in the face of suffering, Ilmater believed that perseverance would eventually lead to blessings and rewards.   At the core of his teachings was the call for his followers to alleviate the suffering of others, willingly taking on their pain to lessen their burden. Known as a willing sufferer himself, Ilmater bore the pains of others to offer solace and support. His profound sense of empathy made him the champion of the afflicted and the defender of the oppressed.   Though slow to anger, Ilmater's wrath was fearsome when aroused, especially against those who inflicted extreme cruelty and atrocities. He vehemently opposed those who harmed children and young creatures, seeking to protect and reassure them even in his most intense moments of righteous rage.   As the embodiment of forgiveness, it was believed that Ilmater could even pardon Loviatar, the Maiden of Pain, should she repent of her wicked deeds. Despite witnessing the worst atrocities committed by evil beings, Ilmater remained ever hopeful, believing that even the most wicked souls could one day be redeemed or brought to justice.   Though bearing the weight of the world's suffering, Ilmater's good-natured spirit allowed him to appreciate humor and enjoy funny tales. His rustic sense of humor endeared him to his followers, who found solace and inspiration in his unwavering compassion and steadfast commitment to the betterment of all living beings.

Divine Domains

Lawful Good
Aligned Organization
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