Cult of Eldath Organization in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Cult of Eldath

The Serene Eldathyns


Organized Simplicity

The followers of Eldath, known as Eldathyns, embrace a simple and harmonious way of life. Their hierarchy is unpretentious, with local priests reporting to a high priest responsible for a realm or larger region. Dwelling in serene forest communities, they cherish open-air sacred places of worship or quaint woodside cottages. These tranquil abodes often feature pools of placid water in pristine, unspoiled surroundings, reflecting the essence of Eldath's peaceful nature.

Peaceful Migrations

Eldathyn clergy follow migratory patterns, journeying from one holy site to another within their local area. They diligently care for these sacred sites and form alliances with druids who revere the First Circle, of which Eldath is an esteemed member. Avoiding open confrontation, Eldathyns always opt for subtle and peaceful means, recognizing that peace cannot be achieved through force.

Taboo of Violence

Violence against an Eldathan priest is strictly forbidden, considered taboo among Eldathyns. The consequences of such actions are believed to bring extreme misfortune. While they abhor violence, Eldathyns are not pacifists; they understand that true peace arises from inner harmony and non-aggression. In peaceful gatherings, they skillfully preside over meetings and bear witness to political treaties.

A Sanctuary for Healing

Many seek Eldath's solace to find healing and overcome the burdens of a violent past. Eldathyns compassionately offer guidance to those haunted by memories of conflicts fought. Whether it is a single event or the accumulation of strife, Eldath's followers extend a compassionate hand to bring inner peace and tranquility.


The Eldathyns exemplify the embodiment of peace and serenity, living in harmony with the natural world. Through their humble ways, they inspire others to embrace peace and seek unity. In a world often fraught with discord, the Eldathyns stand as beacons of hope, illuminating the path to a world where peace reigns supreme. Their dedication to inner peace and harmonious coexistence serves as a reminder that true peace begins within the heart and radiates outward, touching the lives of all who encounter its divine grace.