Cult of Beshaba Organization in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Cult of Beshaba

Beshaba - The Goddess of Misfortune

  Beshaba was revered more out of fear than out of religious faith. Her doctrine stated that bad luck befell everybody and the only way to avoid it was by worshiping her. She was renowned for being spiteful and malevolent, and her priests manipulated common folk into revering and providing for them by acting mysteriously and playing on morbid fears. Her clerics offered an entreaty for their spells and made sacrifices of alcoholic beverages such as burning brandy or wine. There were two festivals in the calendar of Beshaba, at Midsummer and Shieldmeet. Both were celebrated by revelry and indulgence in food and drink.   Red Wizards of Thay were known to erect shrines to Beshaba near their ritual chambers to ward off bad luck.  




The best-known order of specialty priests, universally feared for the way they reveled in the infliction of misfortune on others.  

Black Fingers:

Only by Beshaba's favor could some evil male clerics, thieves, and fighters join this secret order. They acted as assassins dedicated to their goddess's name. [4]  


In order to spread Beshaba's influence and counter the church of Tymora, the Wormlucks (or Priests of Bad Fortune) were created, serving as a focus for calamities that occurred wherever they went, often affecting them as well. Their style of dress was distinctive, forced upon them by the orthodox clergy to avoid confusion with them and for high visibility. They wore bright red robes worn over armor and white hair wigs, which had to be obvious and usually ill-fitting, to honor Beshaba's own locks.  

Creatures of Worship

  Giant black stags with red eyes, capable of goring an elephant with ease, served the goddess of misfortune and inhabited Beshaba's Blood Tor.
Religious, Cult