Cult of Auril Organization in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Cult of Auril

In the North, Auril was a widely worshiped and feared goddess, deeply integrated into the cultures of the region. The Frostmaiden's influence extended to lands such as the Great Glacier, the Icerim Mountains, Sossal, and Vaasa. Among the Northlanders, Auril held a prominent position as one of their primary deities and a significant aspect of their cultural beliefs. She was both revered and dreaded as the harbinger of winter across the entire world. During late autumn and winter, regular sacrifices were made to appease her. Food offerings were placed on rafts and set adrift in the ocean, while human sacrifices, usually prisoners of war or slaves, were occasionally made during dire circumstances.   In the Moonsea region, followers of the Frostmaiden faced societal shunning. They were commonly encountered in Mulmaster and Zhentil Keep. During winter in Zhentil Keep, Auril's followers openly recruited from the destitute, homeless, and refugees, offering them salvation instead of risking death in the freezing alleyways.   Worship and sacrifices to Auril were sparse in the Sea of Fallen Stars region, mainly limited to the northern shores. Illuskan invaders introduced the worship of Auril to Tethyr.   Among the taers, Auril played a significant role in their religion, and most taer clerics venerated the Frostmaiden.   Both air and water genasi, particularly those residing in cold regions, worshiped Auril as one of their deities. Air genasi displayed zealous devotion to her, often inflicting pain on others using cold air.   Members of the Arcane Brotherhood also worshiped Auril as one of their deities.   Auril used frost giants and winter wolves to deliver commands to her cults, while frostwind viragos and winter hags served as her handmaidens.   Druids considered Auril to be among the First Circle of nature deities, deserving of veneration despite her more violent tendencies relative to some other members of the Circle.
Religious, Cult