Corellon, Ruler of All Elves Character in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Corellon, Ruler of All Elves

Corellon Larethian



Corellon Larethian, also known as the Creator of the Elves and the Protector, stands as the esteemed patron god of all elves in the vast world of Dungeons & Dragons. As the divine overseer of the Tel'Quessir, Corellon is revered as the deity who shaped the destiny of elvenkind and safeguarded their most cherished virtues and pursuits.

The Creator of the Elves

Corellon Larethian holds a revered place among the elven pantheon, being the one who brought the elves into existence. As the Creator, he is seen as the guiding force behind their unique attributes and celestial origin, shaping their essence and granting them distinct talents and traits.

Preserver of the Tel'Quessir

As the Preserver of the Tel'Quessir, Corellon governs all that is held in highest esteem among the elves. His divine influence extends to domains such as magic, music, arts, crafts, poetry, and warfare. These areas of elven life are enriched by Corellon's blessings, infusing them with unrivaled beauty, power, and finesse.

Realm of Arvandor

Corellon Larethian resides in the realm of Arvandor, a celestial domain befitting the divine nature of the elves. This ethereal paradise is a haven of splendor and wonder, where Corellon's presence radiates with a soothing aura that resonates throughout the land.

Divine Judgment and Favor

Corellon's judgments are swift and just, favoring those who demonstrate bravery and valor in combat against orcs and followers of Lolth, the malevolent spider queen. He bestows blessings upon those who selflessly aid others and uplift their companions.
  However, Corellon's wrath is unyielding towards those who desecrate the dead or show cowardice by fleeing from their foes. Such acts are deemed as a betrayal of the virtues Corellon holds dear, and they draw his divine anger upon the transgressors.


Corellon Larethian, the illustrious Creator of the Elves and the Protector, embodies the essence of elvenkind and all that they hold dear. His divine presence weaves through the magic, arts, music, and valor of the Tel'Quessir, enriching their lives with splendor and grace. As the patron god of elves, Corellon's legacy endures through the ages, inspiring his followers to embrace their true nature and uphold the noble virtues he holds in the highest regard.


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