Chauntea, Goddess of Agriculture Character in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Chauntea, Goddess of Agriculture

Chauntea was a wise and quiet goddess given to neither pomp nor pageantry. Over the millenia she had learned the virtue of patience, being both slow to anger and not prone to hasty action, although she sometimes took this to the point of being ponderous.   This was not to be mistaken for passivity however, for the Earthmother was a vibrant and caring goddess who loved the inhabitants of Toril and enjoyed nothing more than showing them how her world might enrich their lives. The most recent centuries had seen Chauntea become completely enamored with them, especially humans, to the point she focused all her attention on helping them live off the land.   This relationship was not one-way however, for Chauntea also preached reverence towards nature. She urged the people of civilized lands to repair that which they damage, calling her followers to perform small acts of devotion. Furthermore, while she would prefer diplomacy to open conflict, to bring blight to the natural world would surely evoke the fury of the Earthmother.
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