the Halfling religion Organization in the scattered lands | World Anvil
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the Halfling religion

the Halfling religion believed by both types of Halflings those out in the fields and those in the jungle. the religion main focus point is about the river and how it helps and protects them. they worship the river that runs through the inner plains and they think the river has mystical powers. the wanderers the plain halflings come back to the forest every early spring and they sacrifice the first of the hunt and have a ceremony of thanks to the river because they believe that the river gives all life to the plains and the forests and keeps the river flowing. they commonly have one person in each group of the wanderers memorize the stories and passes them down during campfires and other events. the forest halflings and the the wandering halflings have some small differences in there religion and they worship differently. the forest Halflings still think that the river provides life but they think it provides life to the trees and the plants of the forests. they sacrifice the first fish of the hunt to the river because they are fisherman not hunters of the land. they also write down there myths and stories on paper or in slabs of wood. the halflings believe if they don't please the river they would face famine and die. the stories in the halfling religion are about heroes past that had gifts from the river help them fight great battles and accomplish incredible things. they also believe that when they die the spirit river will take them south to were there ancestors are. the believe in a spiritual river that connects all life together and it is every flowing and the body is what keeps your spirit with you. the halflings believe that the river has taught them many things.

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