Ras Character in The Restless Realm | World Anvil
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"You see the tips of large ears moving behind a counter before she steps into view. Small and very, very green, she smiles up at you with sharp teeth and a full face of makeup."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ras is an average size for a goblin. Her skin is a dusty green and her hair a long, brittle, black. She always has a full face of makeup.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears a cute dress, probably meant for a child (But you only have so many options as a goblin!). Her makeup belt always hangs at her hip, ready to go.

Specialized Equipment

Makeup kit.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ras was born into a typical Goblin clan. She spent her early years robbing and doing typical goblin things. One day, her clan robbed a rich noble on the road. The woman had been carrying makeup with her. Ras took it and was absolutely enchanted with it. Over time, she learned to make her own, but realized no one in her clan shared her interest. She left her clan and headed to the city to make a life out of makeup. She learned common and made a name for herself in the city. Eventually she managed to open her own beauty store, with her own supply of products. She is very talented, despite how ridiculous her own makeup often looks.

Gender Identity



Ras recieved no form of education from her clan. When she reached the city she found ways to teach herself to understand common. She would often hang around taverns and adventurers, having them teach her words.


Ras works for herself at her beauty parlour.

Personality Characteristics


Ras wants to help people feel beautiful, no matter what they look like. She experiments with all kinds of makeup to find the perfect look for anyone.

Likes & Dislikes

She loves makeup and beauty products. She has grown to hate dirt, keeping her shop and herself in tip top shape. Odd for a goblin.
True Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Gold and Cat Like
Long, Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Goblin.

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