Chasan Adellum Character in The Restless Realm | World Anvil
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Chasan Adellum

Chasan Adellum

"She stands, an imposing figure, silhoutted against stain glass windows. Not in her looks, but in an energy that seems to eminate from her. Light seems caught between absorbed and reflected in her jewlery, and though she is beautiful, draped in rich fabrics, it is easy to picture her armoured, the blood of her enemies dripping from her sword."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Chasan is fit, and although much of her work is physical she remains almost dainty in appearance.

Apparel & Accessories

When not on a mission, she wears a long flowing gown. It is made of sheers and laces, with a layer of heavier fabric underneath. Jewels adorn it, complimented by her jewlery of necklaces, bracelets and earings. A circlet sits on her brow. When on a mission she wears a shining suit of silver armour, with feathered pauldrons. A cape covers her back and the circlet remains on her head. Her large sword with a hilt of gold sits at her side. Rings constantly adorn her fingers.

Specialized Equipment

A sword with a gold hilt. The guard is shaped like a pair of wings, and a silver amber crystal sits in the hilt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Chasan was born in a small town near the Wyld. She had many brothers and sisters. When she was young, her parents hit on hard times. They coudn't afford to feed all of their children anymore, and were forced to make a choice. They chose to get rid of Chasan and one of her brothers. One day their father led them far from home into the Wyld, under the rouse of a gathering expidition. When they were much further than they had ever been before he told them to wait there for him while he went to scout ahead. He didn't return for them. It took until nightfall for Chasan to realize he wouldn't be coming back. Neither of the siblings wanted to believe he would leave them there, so they chose to believe something had happened to him. They took off searching, yelling into the forest for him. Their yelling attracted the attention of other creatures. She never saw what exactly it was that caught her brother, but he was quickly killed. She ran, terrified, praying to anyone for help. As she ran, she saw a bright light. She ran towards it and came to a floating orb. As soon as she stepped into its light she felt safe and found that the creatures stayed on the edge of the light's reach. The light didn't speak, but she knew that she needed to get out of the forest and head north. The light led her from the Wyld. As soon as she was out she headed north, the thought of going home never crossing her mind. The light vanished with the dawn and did not return, but her sense of purpose remained. She walked for months, and when she hit the sea she went west until she managed to stow away on a boat to Quadros. When she finally arrived in town she made her way to the temple. They were expecting her arrival and took her in with three other young girls. The four of them were trained together over the following years in many forms. Religion, ethics, maths, magic and weapondry. When they reached 18 they became known as the _____. The four of them travel the world, fighting for their God and doing what they believe to be right.

Gender Identity



She recieved her education at the temple. She learned to read and write, and then to think for herself and follow their Gods doctrine. The clerics quickly realized her talent with a sword and trained her diligently in it.


She works for her God, expecting no pay and being supported by the temple.

Personality Characteristics


She desires to never let anyone fall to such desperate measures that they would do what her father did to her. She wants to serve her God in all possible ways, spreading their will across the Realm.

Likes & Dislikes

She likes hot chocolate.
Lawful Good
A Grey Silver
Long, sleek, raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Celestial.

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