Aleimura Vacuity Character in The Restless Realm | World Anvil
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Aleimura Vacuity

The Bone Collector Aleimura Vacuity (a.k.a. The Bone Collector)

"She doesn't look up from her work table as you enter. In each of her hand she clutches a bone. Humanoid, judging by the size. 'Did you need something?' She asks, not bothering to turn to you."

Physical Description

Body Features

Her medium length white hair is usually tied up in a messy bun. Her eyes are a clear colour, almost like two jellyfish. She has long Elvish ears and sickly pale skin, a result of the Necrotic magic.

Apparel & Accessories

She is almost always found in her Efrus unifrom. It is black, form fitting, with a high colour and gold detailing. A white sash is tied around her waist. She wears black pants and high black boots. A satchel, often filled with miscelaneous bones, hangs by her side.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aleimura's childhood was not a happy one, and not one that she speaks of. Her mother died giving birth to her. Her father was an executioner and was not a kind man. He was always bitter towards Aleimura for the death of her mother. He kept her mother's bones in the house, a reminder to her of what he felt she had done. Over the years, Aleimura realized her potential for magic. She was enrolled in basic school, mostly as a way to keep her out of her fathers way. She started to teach herself a bit, and eventually stumbled upon necromancy. On a particualrily bad night with her father's anger, she reached out with her magic, desperate, and reanimated her mother's bones. Her mother's corpse, driven by her magical will, attacked and killed her father. Only twleve, Aleimura was scared at what would be done to her for her crime. She fled town. The next few years of her life were spent as a wanderer. She made her way to No Man's Land, and even spent some time in the company of the Gypsy Queen. While she traveled, she would collect bones. When she got lonely she would reanimate what she had collected, often small animals, sometimes humanoids she had dug up. She became a legend, like a folk tale people told their children to scare them. They called her the bone collector, a wandering woman followed by the dead. Many thought her to be an omen of death, possibly an emissary of the Raven Queen herself. No one really accepted her, even the nomadic peoples. Then one day, she was approached by a noble woman, dressed in clothes and jewels the likes of which she had never seen. The woman told her she had an offer for her; come join the army, work for the country of Efrus and be given a place. A home. Aleimura was hesitant to accept at first, untrusting of such a promise, but the woman gave her a week to decide. She spent the week with Aleimura, treating her like a real person for the first time in a long time. By the end of the week Aleirmura agreed to the terms and went with her to the capital. Over the next years Aleimura was put through the military program of Efrus. Her title of the Bone Collector remained, and though she went through basic training, she became the known expert in necrotics. She is often sent to battlefields once the fight is over, to collect the bones she wishes to use. Rumour has it she has been working on Necrotic hybrids. She is high ranking within the court of Efrus, known to all, even having earned audiences with the Ruler.

Gender Identity



She recieved basic education in her home town. Upon being drafted she recieved more in depth education and learning, but most of what she knows she taught herself over her wandering years.


She works for the Ruler in the country of Efrus.

Personality Characteristics


She wants to advance her Necrotic knowledge, and further the goals of the Empire she feels saved her.

Likes & Dislikes

She often enjoys the company of the dead over living companions.
Neutral Evil
A almost clear white colour
Medium length, pale white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sickly pale
Related Myths
Known Languages
Common, Elvish.

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