Jeds Species in The Quarantine | World Anvil
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Basic Information


An adult Jed looks almost like a long black tentacle that bulges toward the end, with a few protrusions on the sides of the bulge. From the underside of the bulge, a mouth can be seen.

Genetics and Reproduction

When Jeds reproduce, they latch onto one another's undersides and maintain the position for anywhere between a few minutes to hours. Within a few weeks, one of the two spits out an egg sack that hatches into several larvae.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Once coupled with a Film, the Jeds can emit considerable amounts of heat from the end of their body, which is used by some as a natural welding machine.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Most tame Jeds have developed a symbiotic relationship with the Film. Oftentimes, a Film will allow one (or several) to latch onto their head. Once they have coupled, the Jed will feed off of the Film like an unborn child does to it's mother.
Genetic Descendants
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Jeds maintain a black coloration for nearly the entirety of their life cycles, save for the light grey coloration that appears on their undersides come adulthood.

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