Wind Maps in The Prisma | World Anvil
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Wind Maps

With travel via airship being the primary mode of transportation in Prisma, a huge amount of logistical challenges come into play. The space between islands is filled with debris, violent storms, and various other polluting objects. Even with the 3-dimensional space airship travel allows, travel can become very dangerous. Imagine boat travel, which can be relatively slow by the standards of transnational transportation. Imagine boat travel through oceans primarily made up of thousands of islands, constant storms, and boat-sized debris. That would make boat travel very difficult. Then, remember that parts of Prisma are highly industrialized and rely on transnational trading. This requires airships traveling at plane-like speeds. This would entail airships traveling at those speeds traveling through space with those same logisticcal challenges. To make matters worse, there are various violent winds in between the islands that could possibly be extremely dangerous to traverse if the airship is flying against them.


These challenges are what led to the creation of wind maps. Wind maps are basically routes throughout Prisma (and even the 6 Realms, where different logistical challenges come into play) where quick, speedy travel is possible. The range of these routes varies. Some are just about passages between neighboring islands, while others traverse throughout the entire span of Prisma. Some of these maps are public knowledge, while others are kept secret by the world's governments or even by shadowy criminal organizations looking to smuggle illicit marterials.


Regardless, wind maps are essential to travel throughout Prisma.

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