Shock trooper Profession in The plane of Sunder | World Anvil
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Shock trooper

-The captain blows on his whistle, followed by the yells of his men, rushing out of their muddy trenches towards their enemy.
They almost seem to dash between the many artillery shells falling around them only to disappear into the enemy trenches where they fight a vicious battle using their blades to parry and break their target's weapons and when the brawl has ended they charge again, disrupting the flow of battle and causing mayhem far behind enemy lines. These shock troopers are highly skilled fighters, certainly a group of individuals that the empire can confidently trust in to keep them safe from her many enemies. -Runner Alfred stocke, imperial year 1887
LvL Prof.Bonus Feats. Maximum cartridges
1 +2 Psionic Cartridges, royal guard 1
2 +2 Keen edge 1
3 +2 Shocktroop archetype, Brutal shell 1
4 +2 Ability score improvement, 1
5 +3 Gun smith, Extra attack 2
6 +3 Solid barrel, Burst strike 2
7 +3 archetype feat. 3
8 +3 Ability score improvement 3
9 +4 - 3
10 +4 demon slice 3
11 +4 archetype feat. 3
12 +4 Ability score improvement 3
13 +5 demon slaughter 3
14 +5 archetype feat. 3
15 +5 fated circle 3
16 +5 Ability score improvement 4
17 +6 - 4
18 +6 blasting zone 4
19 +6 Ability score improvement 4
20 +6 archetype feat. 4

Class features

Hit die: 1d10 per Shock trooper level
HP at level 1: 10 + CON modifier
HP at Higher levels: 1d10(6) + CON modifier.



Armour: Light and medium armour, no shields.
Weapons: Longsword, Battle axe, Great sword, Gunblade, Revolver, Rifle.
Tools: Tinkerer's Tools.
Saving throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Acrobatics, History, Intimidation, Persuasion, Survival.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
  • Chain shirt(a), Quilted armour(b) or Padded armour(c)
  • A gunblade
  • A Revolver with 20 bullets or a weapon you are proficient with.
  • Explorer's or Dungeoneer's pack.
  • Tinkerer's tools

Psionic Cartridges

At level 1 you learn to create Psionic Cartridges, These cartridges are used in certain actions, You gain these Cartridges by doing certain actions or combo's. you can also use the Cartridges as alternative ammo for your gunblade, These bullets deal Force damage instead of piercing.  

Royal guard

At level 1 you gain the ability royal guard. Enemies within 30ft of you must make a wisdom saving throw of 10+PROF bonus. if they fail they see you as the greater threat and are more likely to attack you.

Keen edge

At level 2 you can spend an action to use Keen edge, which is an attack that deals 1d8+STR melee damage, with the damage type being that of your currently wielding weapon. The damage of Keen edge increases by 1d8 on level 8(2d8 dmg)and 18(3d8 dmg).
You can only use this action once per turn.

Brutal shell

At level 3 you can spend an action to use Brutal shell, Which is an attack that deals 1d10+STR melee damage, with the damage type being that of your currently wielding weapon.
On top of that you will also heal 1d4 HP.
The amount of healing increases on level 8(2d4) and level 18(3d4)
This action can only be used once per turn, and only if you used Keen edge on your previous turn.

Ability score improvement

At level 4,8,12,16 and 19 you can increase one ability score of choice by two points or two ability scores by one point. You cannot increase your ability scores beyond 20.

Gun smith

At level 5 you gain the gun smith perk, With tinkerer's tools and 5sp of crafting materials you can turn any type of melee weapon into a custom gunblade.
Making a gunblade takes a day to convert a mudane weapon into a gunblade and a week for a magic weapon.
This custom gunblade deals the amount of melee damage of the original weapon and deals 1d10 piercing damage on ranged.
The range of the custom weapon is 40/120 ft.

Extra attack

On level 5 you gain an extra attack, now on your turn you can attack twice instead of once.

Solid barrel

At level 6 you can spend an action to use Solid barrel. Which is an melee attack that deals 1d12+STR damage.
On top of that, after finishing this attack you get one cartridge.
This action can only be used once per turn, and only if you used brutal shell on your previous turn.

Burst strike

At level 6 you can spend an action and one Psionic cartridge to use Burst strike. Which is a ranged(60ft) attack that deals 2d8+DEX force damage.
This attack has no disadvantage from enemies within 5ft range.
This action can only be used once per turn and only if Solid barrel has been used on the previous turn.
The amount of damage increases at level 12 to 3d8.

Demon slice

at level 10 you can spend an action to use demon slice. Which deals 1d8+STR wielding damage to everyone within 5ft range of you.

Demon Slaughter

At level 13 you can spend an action to use demon slaughter. Which deals 1d8+STR wielding damage to everyone within 10ft range of you.
When finishing this action you gain a psionic cartridge.
This action can only be used if Demon slice is used on the previous turn.

Fated circle

On level 15 you can spend an action and one psionic cartridge to use fated circle. Which deals 2d8+DEX force damage to everyone within 10ft.

Blasting zone

on level 18 you can spend an reaction and a psionic cartridge to use blasting zone. Blasting zone deals 2d8+DEX force damage to a target 5ft or 10ft in front of you.

Shocktroop archetype

Members of a shocktrooper battalion have different roles to support and compliment each other and every shocktrooper falls in one of these categories.


You are the one in front of the shocktroop batallion, you are the spearhead piercing through the enemy lines.

Vile knockback

At level 3 you can use vile knockback after a succesfull attack, your target has to make a DEX saving throw of 8+prof modifier. if the target fails the saving throw, it falls prone and cannot act the rest of the round.


At level 7 you can spend an action and psionic cartridge to activate retribution for the next 5 turns. As long as this effect is active you can attack with 1d4+STR wielding damage back everytime you are attacked, and are able to attack back.

Rough divide

at level 11 you can spend an action and a psionic cartridge to instantly move into melee range of a target within 30ft range, if you decide to attack while using rough divide you can add a additional d6 to your damage.

Extra attack

At level 14 you gain an extra attack, now on your turn you can attack thrice instead of twice.

Super bolide

At level 20 you gain the Super bolide ability, if you reach 0 hitpoints you drop instead to one with a force blast that deals 1d6+CON damage to everyone within 5ft around you. this activates only once per long rest.


You stay at a reasonable safe distance from the enemy, mostly focusing on the gun part of your blade, making sure those in front of you are not flanked.

Professional gunner

at level 3 you fully understand how to use firearms, you no longer get disadvantage from using ranged weapons with a hostile creature within 5ft and you also gain proficiency in firearms.

grapple shot

at level 7 you've learned how to modify your gunblade or firearm to handle grapple hooks.
modifying your weapon costs 2 hours and 1gp of resources.
once you modified your weapon you can use the grapple hook to anchor it to solid ground and descent 60ft.
you can also spend an action to shoot it 60ft upwards to form a climbable rope or spend an action to hit a creature within 60ft of range reel it towards you.
if the creature is willing it will be instantly pulled 5ft besides you, if it's not willing the creature must make a strength saving throw of 8+prof bonus.

Lightning shot

At level 11 you can spend an action and psionic cartridge to use the lightning shot action.
Out of your barrel a lightning flash hits your target within range, dealing initially 1d8+DEX lightning damage. the target also needs to make a CON saving throw against your 8+prof bonus. if the target fails, it will get 1d4 lightning damage every start of his turn for the next 5 turns.

Elemental shot

At level 14 you can spend an action and a psionic cartridge to shoot a bullet with elemental powers, you can choose between lightning, fire or cold damage.
this only changes the attack type, the damage of your current wielding weapon stays the same.

Sonic shot

At level 20 you can spend a bonus action and a psionic cartridge to use the recoil of your weapon to move 15ft in any direction. If you decide to move towards an enemy you deal 1d8+force damage if you land 5ft adjacent to it.

Heart of the vanguard

The support of the batallion, you focus more on buffing the others while being in front of combat as far as possible.


at level 3 you can spend an psionic cartridge and a bonus action to increase your AC by 5 until your next turn.
level 7

No mercy

at level 11 you spend a bonus action and a psionic cartridge to give yourself or a ally within 15ft range to increase their next attack roll with a 1d6.

Heart of light

at level 14 you can spend an bonus action and a psionic cartridge to grant you and everyone within 20ft resistance against magic damage for 3 turns.


at level 20 you can spend a bonus action and a psionic cartridge to heal you and a target within 30ft for 2d4.

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