Lord Aston Wellis Character in The Plains of Kataru | World Anvil
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Lord Aston Wellis

Lord Aston Wellis represents the interests of the Wellis family of Picalah in the Plains of Kataru. Rumor has it that he was exiled to the region for some unknown crime, but he certainly acts as a business agent. He and his retainers have set up a basic fort of wood and stone that they've named Fort Wellis. Word spread through traders is that there are about thirty guards there, and another fifty or so retainers and agents of the family. Wellis buys and sells artifacts and other numenera and has also set up a quality forge that has a backlog of weapon and armor orders from the various nomadic tribes who trade there.   As no one from Phrygia-by-the-Gap has visited Picalah, it is not known whether Wellis is a lord, or what the Picalans actually consider lordship.

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