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The Peace Treaty for Lua

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The Planet Lua. A war scorched planet (no bigger than the size of Mars) where the population is mainly condensed of Elven decent. There were originally 6 different races of Elven, Sun Elves, Moon Elves, Woodland Elves, Drow (A form of Elves that would live in the under crust of the planet), and High Elves. Humans had given up their ancestry of separate races. Orcs were the vikings of this world, taking what they wanted and weren't always the wisest, but they knew three things. War is a profit, Security was weak, and the bounty was beautiful. Lastly, The Dwarven Race, one of the smartest and most advanced of all races due to their advancements in both weaponry, and civilization. Flying high above the clouds no amount of magic, nor weaponry could reach them allowing for developments of many enhancements, but that also came with drawbacks, their population being one of them.   The 2k Year War: The War to End Lua. This war started as an argument. And like all arguments they lead to fighting. But this one leads to bloodshed, desolation of temples and race. Before the 2k War there had always been a struggle with kingdoms and their lands. Who was truest in their ways and which were not. During a meeting of the kingdoms to determine who should take care of the ever looming threat of war with the Orcin race, those who had taken and pillaged all the lands. The Moon Elves, who didn’t care much due to their peaceful relations with many Orc Leaders and didn’t particularly like the thought of punishment unless it involved them directly, Suggested to simply giving the Orcs their own bit of land and all the kingdoms should pitchin a plot or two. The High Elves suggested taking to the seas and hunting down the murading groups and killing them immediately. The Sun Elves also agreed. The Woodland Elves however thought completely differently, instead of suggesting a solution simply left the meeting stating “Orcs and anyone willing to help are fools. They only bring destruction and ruin. Give them a little, they will take it all..,” That was enough for the Humans to hear before leaving as well. After 3 days passed A lowly Drow entered the meeting room of the Sun, Moon, and High Elves arguing amongst themselves, sat down a small package and left. Upon inspecting the package. The entire meeting room was lit aflame, The Three Elven leaders dying in the gulf of burning explosion. The Elven Kingdoms wanted answers, and that’s what they got. This marked the end of the Drow Race.   This was just the start. Year 1 of 2000 years of bloodshed, but also of advancement nonetheless.   The Dwarven Kingdom, Their flying domains and advanced technologies, went to work for the highest payer. Both friend and foe alike seeked weapons, tools, and even creatures they could use both in defence, and offence. Some resort to dark arts, others Alchemy. Creations from dark forces often killed the caster and would cause large amounts of crises and plagues to ravage the land. However due to the Advancements that the dwarves owned, They were able to create creatures who could speak, mimic sounds, and move quickly.   If programmed correctly they would have been great killing machines. However something happened in their creation that caused them to break out of their contaminants and demand independence. These creatures would vary in shape size, and potential, and due to their ability to think freely and the dwarves kind heartedness, they were given their freedom.   But at a cost of body count, like the slaved Drows, until they could prove their ability to control their actions, they had to do what they were created for. Be that either noble or not. These creatures were simply known as Beasts until they classify themselves or took up a name. However the Woodland Elves saw both acts of abominations, outside of Lua’s natural ecosystem, and of out right Heresy. Declaring War against the Dwarves and thoses who bought from them. This War cost hundreds of acres of land, burned to sunder by both the Dwarves destroying towns, citys, and The Wood Elves protecting the last and final Woodland kingdom. Both sides suffered heavy losses but in the end, the Woodland elves were killed off, their arts, weapons, and technology taken or destroyed by the dwarves.   After 2000 years of destruction the remaining races agreed to settle on a peace treaty. At a Peace Summit 30,000ft above sea level, no magic could be used at this summit due to its odd nature, as if it were its own plane of existence, untouched by the war.   The Mountain Peak: Is at 30,000ft covered in large oak tree patches. Above is a vast star covered sky to the right of the mountain, no clouds. And to the left of the mountain is a grey tinted sky, no stars can be seen on this side clouds black as night dot the skyline.

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