Rivet's Reach Settlement in The Outer Black | World Anvil

Rivet's Reach

A SETTLEMENT AT THE LIMITS OF THE "KNOWN" OR "CIVILIZED" WORLD   The expansion across Layman's Belt has been a slow and steady affair, with technological developments allowing for improved building strength but not greater efficiency. One of the greater construction achievements of the denizens of the Belt recently has been Rivet's Reach, a city right on the edge of the known and explored areas of the Belt. Rivet's Reach has been constructed as a haven for all kinds of inventors and engineers, providing them not only with a bounty of workshops and resources at their doorsteps but also huge, open landscapes to test their new designs on or to crash them upon. MEKA(vehicle:c94fb915-5aa7-4850-ae9d-096e13871fcd) and @[Sky Chariot advancement is at the heart of what Rivet's Reach citizens seek to achieve, with all kinds of new ideas and types being created every week. Along with these advancements, however, has also come an underground, illicit ring of MEKA fighting. Whilst MEKA fighting is against the law, as dictated by the Council of the Belt, there is a huge underground operation hidden beneath the busy streets of Rivet's Reach, giving the citizens ready to break the law a chance to see some awesome carnage as great mechanical suits collide with each other, drills against picks, huge fists against scrapped-together swords, with the betting rings allowing some people to gain impressive fortunes.    Rivet's Reach is a long distance away from Caleb's Rest and other settlements on the Belt, and so has had to rely on its own Blinker protection system, leading to a number of interesting inventions in the field of weaponry and protection to come from this city.