Air Eligni Ethnicity in The Outer Black | World Anvil

Air Eligni

Air Eligni are amongst the most common of the Eligni kinds, being one of the four "original" influences from before the Ark Event. Characterised by semi-transparent skin seemingly inspired by the sky and cloud-like hair caught in a perpetual breeze, Air Eligni are known for their graceful movement and carefree spirit, embracing each change in wind current with open arms and a daring attitude. Air Eligni that learn to embody their element find themselves able to guide the paths of the wind, whip up breezes into tornadoes, lift themselves high on updrafts, or maybe even become lighter than air and soar with the wind.   The most famous Air Eligni, and the most famous Eligni of all, is Caleb Puff. Renowned as a hero throughout Layman's Belt, Caleb Puff is remembered as the hero that saved every Eligni and Elf present on the Moon during the Ark Event, sacrificing his life for their safety. The capital of Layman's Belt, Caleb's Rest, is named after Caleb Puff, and holds a 150ft statue of his valiant final moments made from electrum. This event is what named him the Air Eligni Saint in the Pantheon of Saints.
Encompassed species