Azeraphis Character in The Order | World Anvil


In the intricate tapestry of Nova's shadowy world, Azeraphis stood out as a devil with an unconventional guise. Clad in attire reminiscent of a Wild West cowboy, his presence was as striking as it was foreboding. This devil wielded a lethal combination of a shortsword and a unique hellfire pistol, a testament to his deadly proficiency in both melee and ranged combat. Azeraphis' smooth, sinister voice was a chilling overlay to his menacing demeanor, often leaving those who encountered him with a deep sense of unease. Despite his formidable abilities and an aura that suggested he was not to be trifled with, Azeraphis' story was ultimately cut short. His demise came at the hands of MTF Omega-5, the player's group, in a battle that not only ended his reign of terror but also cemented the group's reputation as formidable operatives within The Order. Azeraphis' fall left a lingering echo in the underworld, a stark reminder of the fragile balance of power in the realms of the supernatural.

Azeraphis is a devil who appears to be dressed like a wild west cowboy. He carries a shortsword and a hellfire pistol. He has a smooth and sinister voice, and his demeanor suggests that he is not to be trusted.

Current Location
View Character Profile
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Killed in Fight with MTF Omega-5
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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