Tharo Character in The Old World (Venators) | World Anvil
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Tharius Dyrogeneous (a.k.a. Three Stone Tharo)

Physical Description

Body Features

Tharo has a fair amount of body hair and he is on the shorter side of a halfling. His is very well muscled for halfling.

Facial Features

Tharo has his brown hair with a middle part feathered out. He has his facial hair cut to frame his face without any mustache.

Identifying Characteristics

Tharo wears a set of silver rings on his left hand and pearl earring in his left ear.

Apparel & Accessories

Tharo never wears shoes and has a rough hide leather jacket that has been repaired heavily over time. Underneath he wears fairly nice clothes and carries a nice quality dagger on his belt. He has a series of silver rings and a pearl earring that he usually wears when seen in town.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tharo spent a large amount of his livelihood in Stirland having to fight racism and hardship for everything. He made friends with an ogre while he was in Stirland and helped him and some other ogres to get money and lots of good food. After dealing with the problems from the stirlanders, Tharo decided to head to Reikland. When Tharo arrived in Ubersreik he had the idea of using the Ogres as mercenaries but saw it is much easier to have them doing portering work and loading merchant wagons. When others wanted to push him back out he and the people from his group got violent and broke some legs. Tharo has used the money made to purchase a townhouse to run his operation where he has local business paying fees to have his people do their moving/securing work. He also extended his reach to have the stevedores pay a fee to him to not compete against them and he has also supposed gotten into black market alchemical goods.


Tharo has been self employed his whole life and has run the racketeering business in Ubersreik since 2492 after securing some assistance with ogres.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Tharo has cornered the market on loading merchant trains heading on the roads and has gotten the stevedores to pay him not compete with them.

Failures & Embarrassments

Tharo has been unable to actually secure a foothold in the nicer area of town constantly seeing push back from the burgomeister.

Personality Characteristics


To have a unified racketeering operation in Ubersreik.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Tharo is exceptional at working with ogres.

Virtues & Personality perks

Tharo is methodical and a long term thinker.

Vices & Personality flaws

Tharo is quickly angered when people disrespect him.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Year of Birth
2430 IC 76 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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