Sigmund Character in The Old World (Venators) | World Anvil
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Sigmund Rammsfried

Physical Description

Body Features

Sigmund is a lithe man who has the frame of someone who eats enough to keep himself fully functioning.

Facial Features

Sigmund has a moderately kept beard that goes in and out of length based on how long he is focused on a task. He has tangled hair that he rarely brushes out with his bare hands just so it does not turn into dreadlocks. He is missing an eye and wears an eye patch over the gaping hole.

Identifying Characteristics

He is missing an eye.

Physical quirks

He has a tendency to his fingers on his leg and when agitated he scratches underneath his missing eye.

Apparel & Accessories

Sigmund almost never travels without his dark grey cloak or his robes. He always wears his eye patch over his missing eye and is often seen carrying a large satchel at his side.

Specialized Equipment

Sigmund has a well carved wooden staff with brass riveted caps on both ends.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sigmund was born in a small town in Ostland named Dorog. At a young age he developed a mutation that caused one of his eyes to develop a square shape like goat's. He could also see weird colors flowing around the world. When the villagers caught wind of this the came to burn Sigmund or hand him over to witch hunters. When his parents stood in their way they were killed. When the witch hunters came for him he stood before everyone to prove he was not corrupted by taking a hot poker and burning out his eye. His passed out from his pain and when he awoke he was on his way to Altdorf to see if he could be trained as a wizard. He was placed under a grey wizard named Morwald to train and quickly learned that Morwald preferred beat his lessons into his student. Sigmund decided one day to stab his teacher in the ribs and take his staff and book and flee south. During his time on the run he had been a freelancer helping witches and cults with their work with his sight and formal magic knowledge. After one cult made a mistake and nearly caused his death he decided to stop working with cults. He has become a fixture as a herbalist hiding out near Ubersreik.


Sigmund was educated in Altdorf at the Grey College of Magic and by a Wizard that he apprenticed under.

Personality Characteristics


Magical Knowledge

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Sigmund is oddly good with a melee weapons and tough.

Likes & Dislikes

He enjoys learning secrets and knowing what is going on in the world. He does not like alcohol of anything the affect the minds ability to function.


Contacts & Relations

He has known contacts with the Venators League and the Grey Finders.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2481 IC 25 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Tan

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