Kursa Character in The Old World (Venators) | World Anvil
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Alderwoman Kursa Kreisel (a.k.a. The Wollway Crone)

Physical Description

Body Features

Kursa is quite tall for a woman and old for a human. Her skin is old and leathery from years in the sun working.

Facial Features

Kursa has wrinkled skin with her skin looking weathered from sun on her brow. Her face has lightened with time since she now works as the leader of the village.

Apparel & Accessories

Kursa wears functional clothes when working in the village of the burlap and leather.

Specialized Equipment

She can be seen in her black dress when attending to her positions duties.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kursa was born in Wollway and always chipped in to help the village as villagers are required to do. She married early to a man named Ot from a nearby vilalge and had eight children with him. Her husband died at the age of thirty eight and she married next year to the Alderman Rab who she remained married to til his death a decade later. Most knew that Kursa was the one who advised the Alderman to his successes so she was elected Alderwoman at fifty. During her time as Alderwoman she has kept good relations with the nearby villages and the barony and even married a man from a nearby village named Walo who did most of the physical work that she would need to do until he passed away in 2502. Most think that she will outlive everyone as she has outlived three husbands, all of her children and a few of her grandchildren.


Kursa has lived in the village her entire life. After her second husband died she became the Alderwoman in his stead.

Accomplishments & Achievements

During her time as Alderwoman, Wollway has always paid its taxes and stayed in good terms with the Baron.

Failures & Embarrassments

An embarrassment in the village is that she decided to pay full taxes one year when the village could not afford it causing the villagers to work harder that year with less food and materials.

Personality Characteristics


To keep Wollway functioning, keep the people fed and happy.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Kursa is extremely knowledgeable of everything happening in Wollway and what is happening in the nearby villages. Kursa is quite ignorant of the noble activity and what is happening in the cities.

Likes & Dislikes

Kursa likes to sip strong spirits and dislikes anyone who "rocks the boat" with the nobles.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is very focused on the well being of Wollway and does not put herself above the others in the village.

Vices & Personality flaws

Her greatest flaw is that she will always work within the nobles laws and not do anything that would cause the nobles to act out against them.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
2433 IC 73 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Tan
Aligned Organization

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