Emmerich Character in The Old World (Venators) | World Anvil
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Master Emmerich Buchardt

Physical Description

Body Features

Emmerich is old but one can easily tell he has work heavily in his life through his well worn muscles and calloused hands.

Facial Features

Emmerich has a long beard and hair that he combs through his fingers. His skin hangs on his face with a large number of wrinkles from long term focused demeanor.

Identifying Characteristics

Emmerichs arms are covered with acid burns and scars from tanning blades and wires.

Apparel & Accessories

Emmerich wears his heavy apron almost everywhere he goes but underneath he wears modest clothes that are not as functional as most artisan would wear.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Emmerich was born in Lakehaven and when he was old enough to work he helped the hunters carry game back to the village. He he later began to help skin animals and tan leather. He also helped the villagers make boots and other clothing from the leather. When he was eighteen he decided to move to Ubersreik to seek better work. He first began to assist a blacksmith as an apprentice but would always make mistakes on tempering the iron. When he would fix or make the aprons for the local blacksmiths the leather working guild was upset about him undercutting his business. After seeing that his work was passable they offered him a job as an apprentice. After a few years he had surpassed his teach in skill and become a full member of the guild. Ever since he has thrown himself fully into his work as leather worker and received great acclaim. He exists between being a master leather worker and a standard member since he does not want to take on an apprentice who does not have passion for his work while the guild master wants to make money. Emmerich cemented himself as being titled as a Master when he fixed and made fine goods for a general who was in Ubersreik to check the walls in case another war occurred. Emmerich has since been looking for a suitable apprentice to shoulder his legacy as a true master leather worker.


Emmerich was trained in leather working from his home village from the hunters and tanners. He continued his trade from apprenticeship in Ubersreik.


Emmerich was a tanner and leather maker in his home vilalge and has been an artisan ever since he moved to Ubersreik.

Accomplishments & Achievements

His greatest accomplishment was making a leather jack from the hide of a basilisk for the general who was stationed in Ubersreik at the time.

Failures & Embarrassments

He has never been able to make anything of true functionality from metal.

Personality Characteristics


Emmerich's main motivation is to be the best leather worker in Ubersreik as that has happened he now wants to find an apprentice actually cares about the trade as the practice rather than just a job.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He is very skilled with leather and can identify a leather no matter how it is treated. He originally wanted to be a blacksmith but could never figure out the heating timing correctly.

Likes & Dislikes

Emmerich enjoys cards and fine port wine. Emmerich dislikes non-sweet drinks and people who do not respect their own trade.

Virtues & Personality perks

Emmerich is a very dedicated worker and is very patient.

Vices & Personality flaws

Emmerich's greatest flaw is that he is not focused on money or wealth and thus does not have great business sense. His obsession with the work speaking for itself has alienated him from his colleagues as he can be overly critical and pompous seeming.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2447 IC 59 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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