12 - Hallucinatorium in The Ninth World | World Anvil
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12 - Hallucinatorium

Numerous couches and chairs are arranged about the room creat­ing intimate conversation spaces. Several colourful lumps resembling half-deflated fungus puffballs are also present, each measuring 3-feet in diameter. Several smashed boxes the size of a human are ar­ranged against the north wall their exteriors once covered in garish colours but now stained black by soot. Along the east wall are [number of PCs] curious oval-shaped spheres. Once stark white, their exteriors are now dirtied and scratched. A seam is visible around the middle of each sphere and a short flight of stairs leads up to the side of each of the weird orbs.
  Show Handout #55.   A place for the crew and passengers to relax, this area was long ago looted, its food and game machines (the boxes along the wall) smashed and set alight. Only the couches, chairs, and beanbag-style seats (the puffball mushrooms) remain untouched.   The six orbs each measure 8 feet long by 4 feet wide and rest on supports 3 feet off the ground. These are virtual reality pods that provided a number of entertainment options to the user. Now, only one simulation remains functioning.   A jet black palm-disc window flashes all the various colours - cp, sp, ep, sp and pp - is set into the side of each orb, accessible from the top step of the stairs. Inserting any card in the slot causes the top of the orb to swing upward, revealing the plush reclined seat inside. A white helmet that completely covers the head rests atop the seat, connected to the orb's interior by a short cable.   Sitting in the pod and placing the helmet on one's head causes the wearer to be plunged into a VR environment video game that mimics reality in nearly all respects (see 12.1 - VR: EQ 40k, Najena). As soon as the helmet is put on, a black field with a glowing green alien lettering is visible. There is a short pause, then the alien characters change to a single glyph as if counting down. After 20 seconds, the VR pod's user is immersed in the game setting: an adventure game where the player takes the role of doughty he­roes - but with a futuristic twist - in a battle against evil!  


Elevator going to level 6 - Manufactorum. Once unlocked can be used to visit levels 6 to 12 directly.

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