Aida Grimes Character in The Ninth World | World Anvil
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Aida Grimes

Ida Grimes

Ida Grimes is a relic-trader by day, but also a social paradox. No one can tell you how Ida really looks like, because she always wears a cape to cover her physical features. Or what she feels deep down inside, as she keeps her business to herself. But, „somehow”, she knows a great deal about everyone else.   Once a month, she attends a social club where she enjoys a variety of delicious beverages and hears the latest gossip. Anything that might help find her missing friend and work-colleague: Anisia, who was abruptly kidnapped during their „shift”.   One might try to befriend Ida with a very personal story or her favourite drink: a „Miss Nano’s Mystery” cocktail - a whiskey mixed with a dash of strawberry, maple and - of course - a secret ingredient.

Ida Grimes is a relic-trader looking for her missing friend (and work-colleague), but also a social paradox. She keeps her `business to herself`, while she knows a great deal about everyone else.

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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Pale
5.5 ft. or 1,65 m.

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