Second Meeting Report in The Nine Kingdoms | World Anvil
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Second Meeting

General Summary

From the Journal of Light in the Morning, Tabaxi Ranger   This eye tattoo on the ghouls we have fought continues to vex me. I know I have seen this symbol before, but I can't quite remember where. So many gods use the eye as a symbol for their followers, both good and evil. Maybe I'm thinking too big with the involvement of a higher power, maybe it's a mark of justice put on the head of a criminal before death, or it could just be a way of controlling these creatures. I've even read of demonic influences on the dead. Could this be the reason for the symbol? I need to get to the Athenaeum and search it's dusty shelves to see what I can find. We've been lucky so far, but I fear luck won't help us for long. We need to find out what we can as soon as possible or all of Baezwar will be overrun by death.   We've made our way out of the storage maze of barrels and boxes under the Jade Blade Tavern into a city streets full of party goers. We decided to head over to the Jade Ward barracks of the Silver Serpents, to see if Thalla was hopefully there. After scaling the side of the building I found her room a little messy, and looking like she left in a hurry. It seems we may have crossed each other in our journey here. Or was she captured and dragged away during the night by our ghoul adversaries?   We came upon a nice beggar named Abdad. I gave him some coins and 2 bottles of Dwarven Ale which seemed to upset Fez (I guess I know what to get him to celebrate his BornDay). Abdad said he has bad eyesight, but I think even almost blind he can "see" more than a man with perfect vision. He informed me that the Spiral Eye has been around for a long time, and he has heard many stories of demons and witches bringing back the dead. I now have a new friend in Baezwar and will have to visit him again to learn more tales he has of the city and it's many inhabitants.   * * *   It seems the Silver Serpents have been called into action, but for what reason, I wonder? Does it have anything to do with our little problem at the bar, or could it just be some kind of training exercise? After saying our goodbyes to Abdad, we made our way through the crowd stealthily to try once again to find our missing friend.   With a little luck we found Thalla. In an alley way we saw some shadows come out of building behind her. She then pulled a confusing tactic by falling to the ground and landing on her face. This must be some kind of Silver Serpents combat technique to confuse their adversaries, and it seems to have worked since the figures stopped in their tracks.   Once she was up she continued on her way towards Fez's favorite halfling restaurant (they do have some really good mutton), and so did the shadowy figures. We continued to follow them in the dark blending in like we were the shadows created by the moonlight. Another group of the shadowy creatures moved around the building, they were going to surround Thalla and try to capture her also! It was now time to once again vanquish our enemies, more ghouls this time being lead by a creature with bat like features who's size dwarfed even Thalla! They picked the wrong place to fight as we used the alleys and obstacles there to our advantage. After some magic, dragon breath and good old fashion martial prowess we dropped our foes.   Once again the ghouls talked, with one of them saying "we need your help". Help with what? What kind of being could scare even the undead into needing our help? And would we even provide that help to them? This is all so confusing. All of our dealings with the dead up to this point have been with blood thirsty fiends. Could there actually be some undead who have a heart beating with the blood of a good creature? I guess we shall soon see...
Report Date
18 Aug 2018

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