Welcome to The Nimbostratus in The Nimbostratus | World Anvil
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Welcome to The Nimbostratus

Welcome to Seattle! The Emerald City! Salmon Town! The Big Cream Cheese Hot Dog! The Northwest has always been a strange place to those who observe it from the outside. To some who live there, it's stranger still. The city of Seattle sits on a thin barrier between the Material Plane and a realm of the strange known as the Nimbostratus. The Nimbostratus is home to all sorts of feyfolk and creatures who wander an endlessly gray metropolis of Cumulus. The city exemplifies the strange parts of the locations on the other side of the planar divide. Gay bars become genderqueer bachanalia. Seafair Pirates become roguish buccaneers traveling the streets on a giant rubber duck. The Fremont Troll is an old, wizened sage of the neighborhood. As parts of Seattle enter into the psyche of the metropolis, the walls between the planes become thin and travel between the planes become possible to those who can see through the veil. To those who can't, fairies appear as punks or drag queens, trolls appear as tech bros, and Sasquatch looks like a strangely tall, granola-munching hiker.   The Nimbostratus is a setting for D&D 5E using a modern fantastical setting. Players will be exploring both sides of the Emerald Veil and dealing with the danger of both the mundane and the fantastical. The setting begins a couple months after a protest against police violence caused an explosion in psychic energy known as the Pink Umbrella Incident. The incident created both a catastrophe and an opportunity for unprecedented amount of travel between the realms.   Please read Player Character Guidelines for some suggestions on how to create characters for this world.

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