Drow (Dark Elf) Species in The New World | World Anvil
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Drow (Dark Elf)

According to myth, the dark elves (drow for short) lived on the surface before the Sundering. Legends says that the demoness Lolth swayed them in to betraying our creator, the god Correllon. Since then, they have harbored a hatred for those of us living on the surface.   In an interview with a Master monk of Kord by the name of Zaknafain Ous'Urden (a drow renegade), drow weapons are crafted of adamantine, and are magical to some extent. The magicks, according to my source, are attuned to the unique magical energies of the Underdark. These energies seem to deteriorate while they are on the surface; so when they are raiding elven settlements and gatherings, they tend to bring weapons of steel.   They are also a matriarchal society, owing to the demoness they worship as a god. Men are seen as lesser beings, good only for breeding and protecting their matriarchal overlords.  
- From the Notes of Lady Rhewa;
Dated 28 Mylef 137

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

I assume that drow reproduce the same way as we do. This would require a course of study that would be difficult persue.

Growth Rate & Stages

According to Master Ous'Urden, the drow males have a ceremony called the Blooding. It consisted of killing an intelligent and dangerous creature from the surface. Master Ous'Urden attempted to kill Grandmaster Severus as his Blooding.   Apparently, all the females have to do is reach puberty and graduate from their "indoctrination", as Master Ous'Urden puts it.

Ecology and Habitats

Places of darkness are the best places for a drow. The lack of sunlight is ideal for their eye sight.

Additional Information

Social Structure


Facial characteristics

Drow almost always have dark skin tones.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Drow have a superior darkvision due to living beneath the surface. They can see up to 120 feet without light. They also experience painful blindness when exposed to sunlight.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Drow don't mix with other species while in their natural habitat.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Feyrus sapiens arachnus
700 years
Average Height
4'7" - 5'5"
Average Weight
92 lbs - 162 lbs
Player Information   Height: 4'5" + 2d6
Weight: 90 lbs +2d6* x 1d6
Ability Score Increase: +2 dex +1 cha
Speed: 30 feet
Superior Darkvision: 120 feet
Keen Senses: Proficient with the Perception skill.
Fey Ancestry: Can't be put to sleep magically, have advantage on saving throws to resist charm.
Trance: Gain the benefits of a long rest for half the time.
Language: Common, Elvish
Sunlight Sensitivity: Disadvantage on attack and perception rolls (sight based) if you or your target are in direct sunlight.
Drow Magic: Know the dancing lights cantrip. Gain faerie fire at 3rd level, and darkness at 5th level. Use Charisma as the spell casting ability.
Drow Weapon Training: Proficient with rapier, hand crossbow, and shortswords.   *Same roll used to determine height.

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