Warren Character in The New World | World Anvil
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Warren is a middle-aged human man, a devout worshipper of the god Manannan mac Lir.   From a young age, Warren was trained with sword a shield by the other warriors in his family. As a teenager, while working out some teenaged angst by fighting a training dummy in the middle of a thunderstorm, his sword was truck by lightning. After being brought to a local temple to be healed, he was told by the Clerics that to have survived such a thing meant he was touched by the gods themselves.   Hearing this, Warren began attending service at the temple, eventually taking vows as a Cleric. His adventuring spirit eventually drove him to leave, however, and join a mercenary company.   During the next 15 years, Warren travelled all over The Empire of Sand, and eventually found his way to Obrax, where he served as a bodyguard at First Landing for some time. Eventually, realizing the corruption in the city (and also being cheated a few times by clients), he left for first landing, soon after finding the other members of The Party.   Warren, as a Tempest Cleric, has few equals when it comes to controlling the battlefield to ensure his friends come out on top of every encounter.   At some point during his travels in Obrax , Warren encountered a fierce Black Dragon, which swooped down from the skies and killed his entire company. He barely survived, and is now left with a large black scar that has never healed as a reminder.

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