Pinky Character in The New World | World Anvil
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Pinky, though an extremely old Gnome, does not lack for anything in enthusiasm or spirit. He was born over 300 years ago on the northern coast of The Empire of Sand, and as a child was a close friend/lover of Terry The Tarrasque.   Pinky learned almost everything he knows in kindergarten, and the rest on sailing in the seas around Dashinal. He is a known lover of tents, and prefers to sleep in one whenever possible.   As a newer member of The Party, Pinky tends to be at the forefront of whatever is going on, combat or otherwise, always curious. Even after 300 years, he still pines for Terry The Tarrasque, and wants nothing more than to find his Tarrasque lover again.   Recently, Pinky has been revealed to be the champion of Terry The Tarrasque, and a vital member of The Cycle.

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