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The Nameless Realm

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Long ago, before time was merely an idea, all things were merely chaotic swirls of potential strewn about a cold and empty void. A collective of nameless gods were given life from these storms of potential, and from the stillness of the void. They wished to make something of this shifting realm of chaos and rigidity, and combined their powers to create many things. Stars, planets, and celestial bodies began to fill the space where naught once existed, but their greatest creation of all was life.   The crown jewel of their creation, a planet teeming with sentient life, was not made perfect by the will of the Nameless Ones alone. From the elemental forces with which they used to shape the universe, the gods created Elemental Titans to cover this planet with oceans, move the great continent of Yldrea into place, raise up mountains and forests, and give its inhabitants the wondrous gift of magic. Everything was shaping up to be perfect, and the Nameless Ones felt happy and fulfilled with this great task underway.   However, when their creation was nearly complete, something unexpected happened. With their newly received gifts of magic, the inhabitants of this burgeoning new planet discovered something that not even the gods could have created: prophecy. With the creation of prophetic destiny, a group of thirteen seers began reading prophecies for all the inhabitants of the realm, even offering to give a prophecy to the gods. When the Nameless Ones accepted this gift, the prophecy they received was one of calamity: one of the gods would inflict unimaginable destruction and strife upon the very thing they created. While the gods were indeed powerful, all things dictated by prophetic destiny had come to pass, no matter how one raged against it. Devastated by this prognostication, many of the gods disappeared, seeking somewhere else to start anew, or to sleep for all eternity. They abandoned this realm, and their new creation remained unfinished, and unnamed.   Thousands of years later, and the face of this Nameless Realm is vastly different, shaped and changed by millennia of warfare between the Elemental Titans and darker forces, and yet the world thrives in the absence of its creators. Many ancient secrets lie beneath the surface of the world, waiting to be discovered. Whether it be the steppes of Ketanji, the island archipelagos of Gaar Jethora, or the wild and untamed lands of Apollyon, adventures in the making can be found all over the Nameless Realm. All that is needed is for someone to rise to the call...

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