Ventum Geographic Location in The Multiverse | World Anvil
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Ventum isn’t a land of anything-most of the realm is nothing but air and clouds. Ventum is an endless, open sky. Besides the endless cloud formations, Ventum possesses a large number of floating islands, ranging in size from “garden plot-sized” lumps of dirt, all the way up to “small continent”. The islands large enough to support life tend to resemble temperate rainforests. The smaller ones are sometimes covered in moss, or small grasses.     The islands are also the centers of Ventum’s civilization. Humanity has, of course, managed to colonize large portions of the realm. Various islands support towns, and some of the larger ones support entire cities.   Ventum’s native race are known as the Sylph, a species of winged humanoids. They have settled all of the largest sky islands, and most of the smaller ones. They are fairly amiable, and have settled more realms than most other races, with permanent populations in the Hub, Primoridia, Mareter, Cragspire, and are the majority population in Evergreen. Their homes tend to be made of Ventum’s numerous varieties of wood. The Sylph have also managed to forge great chains that link several islands together, creating veritable floating countries out of multiple islands.   Winged or flightless, Ventum’s inhabitants are incapable of travel between the often far-flung islands by themselves, and so have developed airships. The majestic feats of magical engineering ply the skies of Ventum- and many other realms, recently -carrying passengers and trade with them.   Ventum’s threatening wildlife, of course, comes from the skies. The largest bird in the realm, the eagle-like Thunderheads, follow storm clouds and regularly pick off adult men and Sylphs. Amphithere are the apex predators of Ventum; they are giant, winged snakes that can spray venom. The largest (and most common) creature in Ventum is the Heliomedusa, giant, floating jellyfish-like...things; certain types have been domesticated by the natives and used similarly to cattle. Ventum is fairly easy to enter. The Hub has a portal leading to Transfer, a smallish town/island that serves as a trading hub for the realm and beyond. Leaving Ventum is even easier; all you have to do is step off an island/airship and fall. Sooner or later, you will hit a thick layer of fog, and then transition into a different realm. The one you land in is completely random; the only option not recorded is Subterrestria, for obvious reasons. Of course, surviving the fall is usually more important than where you land. There are unconfirmed reports that flying straight up in an airship is capable of transitioning into Ventum. Attempting to do so is not advised.
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm of Air
Island, Floating
Inhabiting Species

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