Mortis Geographic Location in The Multiverse | World Anvil
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Mortis is where the souls of the unlucky dead go when they die. The landscape is dark, dreary, and depressing. For the most part, it is barren, with small shrubs, clumps of mushrooms, dry grasses, and twisted trees being the only living things found here. The landscape is mostly flat, with the occasional stone pillar found scattered throughout the fields.   Mortis has no living population. Instead, the shades of the dead listlessly roam the plains in groups of up to the thousands. Those who died in pain or in battle roam the world as skeletal warriors, fighting each other for no real reason, or for specific reasons given by a lich that managed to enslave them. The Liches build citadels, quasi-cities to protect themselves from Mortis’s other inhabitants. As such, the realm is in a near-constant state of civil war.   Mortis is ruled by Nezra, a unique type of undead who possesses great magical powers, and more importantly, a sword made from a Shard of the Cosmic Hammer. This has given him the ability to draw power from the very realm, and more importantly, control all of its inhabitants. For all intents and purposes, Nezra is a god while in Mortis. He has developed plans to conquer the entire multiverse, but unlike the other madmen who have tried it, he has conquered an entire realm besides his own. Tor, the dwarven homeworld, has long been subjugated by the ruler of Mortis.   There is no true wildlife in Mortis. The reanimated remains of various animals roam the plains, aimlessly fighting each other or the mobs of skeletons. As any living thing can end up in Mortis, any kind of wildlife is theoretically capable of appearing in the desolate plains. Common ones include-bears, wolves, big cats, and a variety of undead dragon-kin. Because of this, Mortis is pretty much the single most dangerous realm to travel through.   There is no portal connecting Mortis to the Hub, and it is in the city’s regulations that one never be created. That has not stopped Nezra from sending his agents through, as temporary portals between realms are one of the easier things he can create with his sword. Getting to Mortis is as easy as dying without proper funeral rituals. If you want to get there alive, then you will need to create your own portal. If necessary, one can contact a Lich or similarly powerful resident of Mortis and bargain with them to gain access. Be warned that this may end with you being tricked and enslaved, doomed to remain in Mortis forever.
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm of the Dead
Dimensional plane
Characters in Location

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