Labyrinth Geographic Location in The Multiverse | World Anvil
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Theorized to be the ultimate test from the gods, Labyrinth is just that: a massive, realm-spanning labyrinth full of traps, monsters, and puzzles. What lies in the center of Labyrinth is unknown, as nobody has ever reached it and lived to tell the tale, though the rest of the maze is full of various treasures and rare objects that most adventurers will gladly risk their lives for. The outer part of the realm is a flat patch of grass before the seven arches leading within. The maze itself is constructed of old, discolored, overgrown stone, the walls usually being taller than a Jotun. Various plants are found within, notably moss and weeds. Trees are scattered around, usually located in or near junctions. A few truly giant trees, larger than any outside Evergreen, can be found in certain areas.   Labyrinth has few permanent residents. The constantly- replenishing maze provides enough to sustain large populations, though the hazards dissuade most from trying to settle down. A few scattered people have managed it, though they have yet to form a society.   The “natives” of Labyrinth are the Djinn, mysterious beings that seem to exist only to test adventurers. Reports indicate that Djinn will spontaneously appear from gemstones, fountains, random cracks in the stone, etc., etc., basically a Djinn can appear from anything whenever an adventurer draws near. They appear as iridescent gas taking the shape of men dressed in splendid yet revealing robes and covered in jewelry. From the waist down, the Djinn’s body more closely resembles a gas cloud connecting the Djinn to whatever its source is. Djinn exist to issue challenges to adventurers that seek to pass through their section of Labyrinth; challenges vary from riddles, demonstrating a skill, securing a certain item, and others not common enough to be recorded. The rewards for completing these challenges also vary, from access into a new area of the maze, new and rare magical items, information, or a quick teleport to a new location. Failing a task or angering a Djinn can have disastrous consequences, as they are quite powerful and more than willing to mess up your day. One of their favorite tactics is to teleport failures or troublemakers to a place significantly more dangerous than the current location. One with a high chance of death. Or the Djinn may fry you with lightning or break your spine, depending on how hands-on they feel like being.   Wildlife in Labyrinth tends to be magical, highly varied, and deadly. Monsters and powerful beasts are common challenges to face wandering the corridors, though where they came from and how they stay healthy in that death trap is unknown. What’s more, creatures from across the multiverse can appear in seemingly any section of Labyrinth. A few monsters are confirmed to have originated outside Labyrinth- for example, the notorious Dragon Rancorous the Blue has taken up residence in the Labyrinth along with his tribe of servant goblins, to the exasperation of the realm’s other permanent inhabitants.   The only confirmed way to enter Labyrinth is through the portal located in the Hub- a portal that mysteriously appeared in Crossroads one night with no evidence of how it got there and the words “Approach, Seekers, and Find Your Destiny” carved in the stone frame. Subsequent investigations have not shed any light in the portal’s origin. No records of Labyrinth exist before the portal appeared, and despite the best efforts of the multiverse’s brightest, it is impossible to enter the realm any other way. Normal means of magical travel, such as blood bonds, essence harpoons, Port Dust, or even guided jumps from Ventum only result in a redirection to the Crossroads.
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm of Trials

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