Fantasmagoria Geographic Location in The Multiverse | World Anvil
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Fantasmagoria is an ever-shifting land believed to be formed and sustained by the collective dreams of all inhabitants of the multiverse. Despite the shifting terrain, Fantasmagoria has many regions that remain semi-static, where, despite the terrain shifting, it usually shifts into something sort of similar to what it was before and usually matches the surrounding, allowing biomes of sorts to exist. Additionally, a few landmarks stay consistent. Many, many different plants exist in Fantasmagoria, though rarely when one tries to find them. The Pillars of the Mind, an unknown number of tall purple trees each one somehow vital to the existence of Fantasmagoria and bear hallucinogenic fruit, are always in a fixed position and are used to navigate.   The natives of Fantasmagoria are displaced humans, mostly monks, who have managed to eke out a living here. Many believe that meditating in Fantasmagoria can reveal ancient, life-altering secrets, so it is a popular destination for pilgrims. An order of paladins known as the Order of the Dreamless Night inhabits Fantasmagoria with the goal of protecting the pilgrims and monks. No truly sapient natives of Fantasmagoria have ever been confirmed to exist.   The fauna of Fantasmagoria is made up almost entirely of beasts known as Nightmares. In their natural form, Nightmares vaguely resemble solid black unicorn/dragon. When they detect prey, the Nightmare will use its limited telepathy to discern what the prey fears, and then shift forms into that fear for the remainder of the hunt. The only other naturally-occurring fauna in Fantasmagoria are sheep. Just regular old, twice as tall as a person, sheep.   Fantasmagoria is one of the harder realms to get to. The most common way is via sleep; there is a chance, however low, that merely falling asleep and sinking too deep into dreams will transport one to Fantasmagoria. Alternatively, the effect can be artificially induced by smoking dreamweed, a parasitic plant rarely found in the highest reaches of Evergreen. No portals into Fantasmagoria have ever been created, nor can portals leading out be created. Port Dust is the only confirmed way out, and it is manufactured by several of the monasteries within Fantasmagoria, where it remains the primary export as well as most people’s only way out.
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm of Dreams
Dimensional plane

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