Cragspire Geographic Location in The Multiverse | World Anvil
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Cragspire is a world of towering mountains and shrouded valleys. Very, very few plants grow here, aside from the shrubs on the peaks and the stunted trees deep in the valleys. The highest of the peaks are capped in snow, and occasionally send avalanches down into the world’s warmer regions.   Cragspire is home to the Mountain Trolls, and their smaller but no less dangerous cousins the Valley Trolls. Both races tend to have more muscle mass than normal, with mountain trolls considered stupid compared to humans and valley trolls. Mountain trolls live in large clans composed of extremely extended families, settling on one mountain or another and fighting with other clans for herds of mountain goats or the rare mountain spring. Valley trolls live beneath the ground in the shaded valleys, constantly paranoid about attacks from the mountain trolls, rockslides, avalanches, disease, and basically everything.   Far rarer are the Mountain Jotuns, which live on the tallest of Cragspire’s mountains. These live in small fortresses, and rarely come down. They are the second-largest variety of Jotun.   Wildlife is incredibly sparse here, aside from the mountain goats raised by both trolls and Jotuns. The worst predator in Cragspire is the Roc, a species of immense eagles big enough to regularly carry off Jotuns. Their preferred prey is the Karkadann, large beasts resembling the rhinoceros of Frostmore except far larger and devoid of fur.   The only reliable method into Cragspire is the portal located in the Hub. Rumor has it that small, hard-to-access portals linking the valley lakes of Cragspire with Mareter exist, and it is theorized that many of the springs in the upper mountains have their sources in Subterrestria’s Blackwell.
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm of Mountains
Mountain Range

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