Dossier D004 - Psycho Mutant Prose in The Milky Way | World Anvil
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Dossier D004 - Psycho Mutant


Psycho Mutant



A Human man with ties to a now defunct rebellion within the Norma Sector. According to birth and life records I was able to collect, he was born to a farming family on the planet of Entarsos. It wasn't long before strange happenings surrounded his family and he ended up running away not long after his fathers death; reports of which testify that he suffocated after being inexplicably trapped beneath a pile of hay in the middle of an open field. Recent information suggest that Psycho Mutant has aligned himself with Baron Tenticilica Murandus Artuniun IX as a body guard and adviser.  





Visual Identifiers

Eyes: Unknown
Skin Tone: Pale
Hair Color: N/A
Height: 5'10
Other Details: Only ever seen in a partial enviro suit. Jet black, pulse/laser/heat resistant armor from head to toe with no sleeves.  


It is obvious he is considered an asset by the Baron[1] for his innate abilities in regards to telepathy and mental manipulation as well as suggested telekinetic abilities as well. Reports cite Psycho Mutant being capable of moving objects without coming into contact with them up to the size of a dresser. It is also reported in two separate instances that specific individuals did not behave as they ordinarily would in his presence, and in fact state having no recollection of their unusual behavior after said interaction.  

Possible Weaknesses

If it's any consolation, his abilities seem fairly straight forward, and telekinetics have been dealt with before. It is simply a matter of closing the distance and preventing him from throwing objects at you. The real concern is his apparent telepathic abilities as well. An individual with the ability to influence his assailants thought process is a major threat, and until more data is collected I'm doubtful that we can come up with a mental shield of sorts to protect our field agents. My hope is that A7 is fast enough to simply end an engagement before it begins.  

Last Known Whereabouts

Psycho Mutant was last reported within the Baron's mansion, ensuring his safety and well being and doubtless getting paid handsomely for it.   ADDENDUM [1] I have no intention to type out the Baron's entire name each time I mention him, nor am I interested in learning how to pronounce his name either. You can do so at your discretion, team. -D

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