The masked lands Masked Timeline Timeline
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Masked Timeline

The general timeline for the masked lands, most major events and framework

Time of the UnMasked

... 34 UT

the "first" recorded era, technically begins at the beginning of time and ends near the mid-point of the Masked War, most records from before the masked war are destroyed

  • -1 UM

    34 /6
    0 UM

    12 /2

    First Battle of Vulture Valley
    Military action

    The first battle of the Masked War, an attempted invasion of the home of several orc clans, the human invaders were unable to capture either major city within the valley for any prolonged period of time,  eventually left in defeat. Some consider it the end of UnMasked times, though that's not supported by religious doctrine.

Masked Ascension

1 MT and beyond

The time after the Masked War, after the Masked Pantheon was "settled"

  • 4027 MA

    23 /2 23:00
    4027 MA

    24 /2 02:00

    The Confluence (most recent)

    The most recent Confluence, marked by bright blue comets burning through the sky and a reignition of ancient and modern magics alike