The Mane Rank/Title in The Masked Lands | World Anvil
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The Mane

"Someone fetch the Mane!" - line from the popular song "Deadman in the dinner hall" which has made its way into popular vernacular


Single combat training, training in direct training from previous Mane from a young age, having killed at least 4 lions.


The previous Mane must have trained them for several years before their own death, at which point the aspirant must be approved by the Court nobles, the King, or the Manes spouse. They cannot be directly related to the Mane.


Ensuring the King does not abuse their power or mistreat the nobility or commoners, ensuring that the laws of the Masked Lands are respected and enforced. If the king abuses their power, execute them and find a suitable heir. Required to be a worshiper of the Lion Masked.


Execution of corrupt kings, enforcement of the laws and traditions of the land, maintenance of the goldwood groves, interrogation and execution of suspected high-ranking vulture worshipers


A well-stocked and cared for fortress, magical weapons and armor, legal rights to honey production in the south-western reaches, noble status regardless of birth.

Accoutrements & Equipment

A cloak made out of the manes of many lions, ancient artifact armor and weapons.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The only way to remove a Mane is through their death, or a unanimous vote in agreement of their removal by the high priests of the Lion Cult, the King, and the nobles of the court.


The title was created during the Lionic Schism of 1,488 when the nobles of The Court and the King had started a small civil war over one anothers rights and obligations to one another and to the common people.

Cultural Significance

The Mane is considered the "judicial" body of the government, and often times people will say to "get the Mane" when a crime has been comitted, though whether the actual Mane or a maneate arrives or if it is left to the local authorities seems to have as much to do with chance, due to the huge area they have to police and the singular Mane and small number of maneates.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
In effect, the current Mane has only acquired the title recently, and remains untested.
Created as a counter-balance to the King and the Court by the priests of the Lion Masked during the Lionic Schism of 1,488, has remained a permanent feature of the government since.
Source of Authority
The Lion Masked god.
Length of Term
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