SILVER Organization in The Magic-Shattered World | World Anvil
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Originally conceived as a support group for Lycan runts, the full name still reflects the rather dramatic nature of the founder: Small but Important Lycans with Vast Endurance and Resourcefulness
  In the time since the founding of the group, its purpose has evolved. Today most people think of it as a lycan social club, since runts are generally considered attractive to other species, and members are most often seen in paparazzi photos. In reality, however, there are many members who are part of big organizations and academic institutions as well. Members of SILVER keep their eyes and ears open for information that can be beneficial to the lycans, generally out of a sense of wanting to contribute to lycan success after the Shattering, since they aren't allowed to breed.
  No one is entirely sure where the information ultimately goes, but it is acted upon enough to know that someone is putting pieces together.
Social, Group
Notable Members

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