The Tesellic War Military Conflict in The Lutea Saga | World Anvil
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The Tesellic War

"In the past, I believed humanity was full of hope, just like the dwarves. After all, Aztarok names them as his masterpiece, how would they not be up to the potential of Duardic ideals? How foolish I was. We are to humanity as humanity is to primates. They are barbarous creatures at heart, unable to live with code and order. Instead of supporting the grand ideals of Duardic thinking, they oppose it, supporting cultures synonymous with the likes of animals.They have no right in true matters."  
- High King Durgak Baltaim Stoneshield, reflecting the aftermath of the Tesellic War.

The Conflict


All across Baltaim's Mountains, with the largest conflicts happening nearby Saathar and Medusa.

Historical Significance


The war and the murdering of the Obsidimen race is still in the minds of tribalist humans, and the story is still passed down from generation to generation in their clans. In many human tribes, the Midnight Crisis is thought to be divine vengeance by Tesella for the horrors of the war.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Extreme oppression of non-Duardic cultures in settlements around Baltaim's Mountains. Genocide of nearly all Obsidimen.


The Empire

Led by

The Druidic Coalition


24,140 in Total
14,100 Saatharian Dwarf soldiers
7,830 Varrish Orc mercenaries
2,210 Medusan Human militiamen


16,375 in Total
12,877 Saatharian Dwarf soldiers
1,288 Varrish Orc mercenaries
2,210 Medusan Human mercenaries


To reduce the Obsidimen population near Medusa and Saathar.
To drive the Obsidimen race back into Baltaim's Mountains.
To suppress tribalistic sympathies within recently annexed human-dominant settlements.

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