The Legend of Emergence Myth in The Lost Lands | World Anvil
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The Legend of Emergence

The Emergence


A synopsis

The Emergence is the Ragnarok of all prophesied events to come. The Great Terror's pale compared to what The Emergence is supposed to bring. It begins when one of the chosen from Drakold, who is the core of the planet of which this takes place finds the mantle and absorbs it's power. Afterwards this person must go to the "World Summit" which is the last stronghold of all original races, Dwarves and Fae, no elves(elves exterminated a long while ago) and must call upon Drakold himself through the "Abyss of God". Afterwards, either two things are expected to happen.

What could happen

1.)The mantle user is rejected by Drakold and he reclaims his mantle by absorbing the power of the user to begin another cycle of one side wanting the mantle and the other preventing the mantle from being capture. 2.)Drakold accepts the mantle user and grants the mantle user even more power and curses them with Knowledge. Afterwards, the Grand Prophets say it is blurry afterwards but the important events are clear.

The Emergence

The Mantle User uses their new power and clears the entire Dwarven continent and absorbs their souls and begins Drakolds' Crusade and is seemingly completely possessed by Drakold from what the Grand Prophets infer and they, the Prophets say that the user goes across cities and now, having complete control over everyones soul because they became the final evolution of Drakold and became as powerful as they could without breaking the world. Entire cities worth of living creatures, including plants are drained of all their energy, and Drakold slowly regains the strength to emerge. Eventually, Drakold does emerge, turning into an astral form and leaving the planet without the crust itself being destroyed. The Summit of the World is closed and Drakold, now free, seeks vengeance on those who wronged him.


Many people may wonder about the aftermath, however the only prophet to ever see after the aftermath immediately jumped out of the tower in which they do their prophecising and killed himself. All the Prophet said while running with his eyes and orphuses and other limbs burning with a strange purple/blue hue was this."Power is a LIE!". Anyone who tried to follow in his steps either burned alive without telling the story or said something similiar. Once a prophet began muttering "Our soul is not ours" over and over again with no explanation before walking off a cliff. All information about what the Prophet organization pieced together and learned was also scrubbed, and is only known by the highest members of the Prophets.

Who is expected to stop or cause The Emergence?

The Custodes, those who were chosen by Light, the god that opposes Drakold make multiple list on high priority targets who have or have had a high probabillity to either stop or cause the emergence. The ones who are expected to start an Emergence event are the following: "Jaeluss" known as the 'Hidden Disciple', and suspected to be the last living member of The Disciples of Drakold has whereabouts that are unknown and The Custodes are on the lookout for any traces of where he is. Jaeluss is also close to being found. Besides Jaeluss however, very few other people are considered active when it comes to a possible start to an Emergence event, for most of them are dead or remain hidden. Expected to stop it or kill all gods, there are two active high priority targets that can either stop an current event and or kill both gods and as a result, stop the whole bunch of shenanigans. One of the two targets is "Ragnar" known as the King of Nords, he while considered dead is not truly dead. Ragnar put his soul into the very armour he wears, making it impossible to break and essentially, becoming immortal. The other target, or group of targets is probably the organization known as "Swordmen of the Summit" A group of the 5 most talented human swordsmen that reside near the world summit, they prepare for The Emergence.

When was The Emergence sped up or slowed down?

Emergence events were sped up 2 times, and quite severely as well. One time was in which the Grand Warden of all Schools of Magic accidentally fell into the World Summit, the power that she held was considered one of the greatest amongst humans, rivaled only by the like of The Custodes and Ragnar. Because of all that power essentially going directly to Drakold, he was immensley more powerful and was able to convince the Wardens of the Sorcerey and Pain schools to break away and cause the Great Terror's with the new found power. Another time where the Emergence was sped up was when one of the Drakolds Chosen were at the world summit, the Emergence was almost caused and the only way it was stopped when the Swordsmen of the Summit intercepted her in time. However before dying she commited suicide by falling into the world summit, immensley increasing Drakold's power and lust for getting revenge.

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